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Study Groups
: General documents for Study Group Department
Radiocommunication Study Groups Brochure
Status of texts (rsg 9)
WP 8A Structure (pdf)
8B Radar Workshop
WP 8D Structure
WP 8B structure
WP 8F - Focus areas
WP 8F - Draft Report - Technology trends
WP 8F - Summary spectrum usage
Questionnaire on services and market (144-2)
Meeting of Evaluation Groups (hosted by IEEE 802.16 WG, 13-14 March 2007, Orlando, FL, USA)
Recommendation ITU-R M.1225
Recommendation ITU-R M.1457-6
Wireless Communications Association International
Association of Radio Industries and Businesses
Israeli Evaluation Group for IP-OFDMA
TIA - TR-45 Ad-Hoc for International Mobile Telecommunications
Transport information and control systems (TICS)
Final list of participants (Seminar WMO/ITU)
Opening remarks by the Director of the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau - Dr. Valery Timofeev
Opening remarks by the acting Director WMO Information Systems Mr José A. de Sousa Brito
1.1 Introduction by WP 8A Chairman, Mr. Jose Costa, Nortel Networks
1.2 Wireless mobile technology for property protection, Mr. Diego Tebaldi, LoJack International
1.3 Advances in ITS/Telematics technology and applications, Mr. Paul Najarian, ITSA and Mr. Masayuki Fujise, NICT
1.4 Policy-based cognitive radios: Future framework for spectrum access, Mr. Preston Marshall, DARPA, United States
1.5 Advances in wireless local area networks, Mr. Jan Kruys, Cisco Systems
1.6 Exploring the feasibility and benefits of additional uses of unused TV broadcast spectrum, Mr. Carl Stevenson, Agere Systems
2.1 Introduction by WP 8B Chairman, Mr. Thomas Ewers, Germany
2.2 New radar technology 9-10.5 GHz, Mr. Frank Sanders, U.S. Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration and Mr. Tom Fagan, Raytheon
2.3 New aeronautical telemetry systems, Mr. Darrell Ernst, Mitre Corporation, Mr. Gerhard Mayer, University of Salzburg and Mr. Jean-Claude Ghnassia, Airbus
2.4 New aviation systems, Mr. Geoffrey, Eurocontrol, Ms. Barbara d'Amato, IATA and Mr. Don Willis, U.S. Federal Aviation Administration
2.5 New HF/MF digital maritime mobile systems, Mr. Peter Kierans and Mr. Kerry Hanson, Globe Wireless
2.6 The Global Maritime Distress and Safety System, Mr. Eirik Bliksrud, Post and Telecommunication Authority, Norway
3.1 Introduction by WP 8D Chairman, Mr. Takeshi Mizuike, Japan
3.2 Overview of new technology trends in the mobile-satellite service, Mr. Marcus Vilaca, Inmarsat
3.3 Satellite digital multimedia broadcast, Mr. Laurent Combelles, Alcatel
2.5 - Additional document (text-summary)
3.4 Satellite systems supporting modernization of civil aviation telecommunication systems, Mr. David Weinreich, Boeing
4.1 Introduction of WP 8F, Mr. Peter Scheele, Germany (on behalf of Chairman, Mr. Stephen Blust)
4.2 Future framework for IMT-2000 and systems beyond IMT-2000, Ms. Cindy Cook, Canada
4.3 Examples of potential future services/applications, Mr. Yves Bellego, France Telecom
4.4 Preparations related to WRC-07, Mr. Jim Ragsdale, Ericsson, Inc., Work programme (services - market survey - methodology - technology assumptions, etc.
Résolution 229 [COM5/16](CMR-03)
Broadband access technologies
ITU-APT Regional Seminar - Programme
ITU-APT Seminar on BWA - Invitation
ITU-APT Seminar on BWA - Seminar registration form
ITU-APT Seminar on BWA - Information for participants
ITU-APT Seminar on BWA - Final list of participants
ITU-APT Seminar on BWA - Hotel registration form
Wireless broadband in the global scene
ITU development activities on broadband
Broadband convergence network
Regional and National Broadband Programs and System Implementation - Canada
Regional and National Broadband Programs and System Implementation - India
Regional and National Broadband Programs and System Implementation - Japan
Regional and National Broadband Programs and System Implementation - Australia
Regional and National Broadband Programs and System Implementation - Korea
ITU-R Studies on BWA by NTT DoCoMo
TTA WiBro Project
Regulations and Advanced Wireless Broadband
National Regulations Case Study - China
National Regulations Case Study - Australia
Resolution GSC-10/06
Resolution GSC-10/03
Public Protection and Disaster Relief - Registration
Public Protection and Disaster Relief - ETS in Evolving Networks
Public Protection and Disaster Relief - WRC-2000-Res 644
Public Protection and Disaster Relief - WRC-2000-Res 645
Public Protection and Disaster Relief - PP-1998-Res 36
Public Protection and Disaster Relief - WTDC-2002-Res 34
Biography Sabah Towaij
Biography Alan Jamieson
Presentation - 1.2 - Jamieson
Presentation - 1.3 - Folts
Biography Hal Folts
Presentation 1-4_Zimmermann
Presentation 2-1_Thompson
Biography David Thompson
Presentation 2-2_Rinaldo
Biography Rinaldo
Presentation 2-3_najarian
Presentation 2-4_simmonds
Biography Simmonds
Presentation 3-1_street
Biography Street
Presentation 3-2_Bhatia
Presentation 3-3_bovim
Biography Bovim
Presentation 4-1_esclercs_strandberg
Biography D'Esclercs
Biography Strandberg
Presentation 4-2_rawat
Biography Rawat
Presentation 4-3_azemard
Biography Azemard
Biography Frew
Presentation 4-4_frew
WRC Resolution 229
WRC Resolution 646
WRC Resolution 740
WRC Resolution 741
Transition to Office 2007 - Important notice to users of Office 2003
1-2 - Presentation - WMO-EUMETNET - David Franc
Presentation - 1-2 - WMO-EUMETNET - Dominique Ruffieux
Abstract - 1-2 - WMO-EUMETNET - Dominique Ruffieux
Presentation - 2-1 - ICAO-EUROCONTROL-RTCA - Michael Biggs
Presentation - 2-1 - ICAO-EUROCONTROL-RTCA - Poul Jorgensen
Presentation - 2-1 - ICAO-EUROCONTROL-RTCA - Christian Pelmoine
Abstract - 2-1 - ICAO-EUROCONTROL-RTCA - Christian Pelmoine
Presentation - 2-2 - IMO-Maritime navigation - Vladimir Lebedev
Abstract - 2-2 - IMO-Maritime navigation - Vladimir Lebedev
Presentation - 3-1 - RCG-Modern-Advanced Radiolocation-Radar Architectures - Abraham Van Den Berg
Abstract - 3-1 - RCG-Modern-Advanced Radiolocation-Radar Architectures - Abraham Van Den Berg
Presentation - 3-1 - RCG-Modern-Advanced Radiolocation-Radar Architectures - Frank Sanders
Abstract - 3-1 - RCG-Modern-Advanced Radiolocation-Radar Architectures - Frank Sanders
Presentation - 3-2 - Overview by the regulatory body on radiodetermination services - Thomas Ewers
Abstract - 3-2 - Overview by the regulatory body on radiodetermination services - Thomas Ewers
Presentation - 3-3 - Factors to consider for intersystem EMC - Frank Sanders
Abstract - 3-3 - Factors to consider for intersystem EMC - Frank Sanders
Presentation - 4-1 - Factors to consider for intersystem EMC - Thierry Jurand
Abstract - 4-1 - Factors to consider for intersystem EMC - Thierry Jurand
Presentation - 4-2 - Radar Unwanted Emissions - John Holloway
Abstract - 4-2 - Radar Unwanted Emissions - John Holloway
Implementation of Resolution 703 (Rev.WRC-07)
Provisional List of Participants
PLT Forum 2011 - Final List of Participants
Invitation Letter ITU Regional Seminar on "Advanced spectrum management" for the RCC countries
Registration Form ITU Regional Seminar on "Advanced spectrum management" for the RCC countries
Visa Support Form ITU Regional Seminar on "Advanced spectrum management" for the RCC countries
Programme - ITU Seminar on Advanced Spectrum management for RCC countries and Baltic States - Almaty
Invitation letter to 3rd African Group Preparatory Meeting for WRC-12, Geneva, 9 November 2011
List of Participants - ITU regional seminar "Advanced spectrum management" for the RCC countries and Baltic States - 12-16 September 2011, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Prospects for use of the Ka-band by satellite communication systems - Almaty, Kazakhstan, 5 - 7 September 2012
ITU Seminar for Americas Region - 2012
Document template for all Study Groups/Working Parties
ITU Circulation Plan
ITU/BIPM Workshop - Geneva, Switzerland, 19-20 September 2013 - Contact persons and Programme
MoU between ITU, Association of Radio Industries and Businesses, China Communications Standards Association, Telecommunications Technology Association and Telecommunication Technology Committee
MoU between ITU and ETSI, 03 July 2012
BIPM Workshop - 19-20 September 2013 - Invitation Letter
ITU English language style guide
ITU/BIPM Workshop - Agenda
Format of ITU-R Recommendations
FAQ on UTC - Leap Second
1st ITU Inter-regional Workshop on WRC-15 Preparation, Geneva, Switzerland, 4-5 December 2013 - Information for Participants
ITU Radiocommunications and Climate Change Presentations - COP-17, Durban, South Africa 2011
ITU Radiocommunications and Climate Change Presentations - 6th ITU Symposium on ICTs, the Environment and Climate Change, Accra, Ghana, 2011
ITU Radiocommunications and Climate Change Presentations - ITU-T SG 5 meeting, Seoul, Corea, 2011
ITU Radiocommunications and Climate Change Presentations - United Nations inter-agency meeting on outer space activities, Geneva, Switzerland, 2011
ITU Radiocommunications and Climate Change Presentations - ITU Symposium on ICTs, the Environment and Climate Change, Montreal, Canada, May 2012
ITU Radiocommunications and Climate Change Presentations - WSIS Forum 2012, Geneva, Switzerland, 16 May 2012
ITU Radiocommunications and Climate Change Presentations - Climate Change Conference (COP-18), Doha, November 2012
ITU Radiocommunications and Climate Change Presentations - 8th ITU Symposium on ICTs, the Environment and Climate Change, Turin, Italy, 2013
ITU Radiocommunications and Climate Change Presentations - ITU Regional Workshop for the CIS countries on the Role of ICT in Saving Lives, Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyz Republic, 2013
Memorandum of Cooperation between the International Civil Aviation Organization and the International Telecommunication Union
3rd ITU Inter-regional Workshop on WRC-15 Preparation - Geneva, 1-3 September 2015 - Captioning archive
3rd ITU Inter-Regional Workshop on WRC-15 Preparation - Welcome Remarks - Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union
Accessibility Page for RA-15/WRC-15
Final list of participants - RA-15
Study Group 6x language templates
WRC-19 Templates
RA19 - Templates
Captioning 1st Inter-regional Workshop on WRC-19 Preparation
ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe, 6 to 8 June 2018, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation - Event venue
Programme - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems", 6 to 8 June 2018, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe, 6 to 8 June 2018, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation - Practical Information
ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe, 6 to 8 June 2018, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation - Visa Information
ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe, 6 to 8 June 2018, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation - Hotel Accommodation
ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe, 6 to 8 June 2018, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation - Invitation Letter
Presentation - Planning and refarming... Keywords for spectrum efficiency - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - From Titanic to satellite... From Morse to digital - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Bus Transfer - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems", 6 to 8 June 2018, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Presentation - State of the art and future development of -very- small satellites - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - ITS - automotive sensors and future railway radiocommunications - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - Development of the Modern Radiocommunication Ecosystem - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - Telesat LEO, Fiber quality connectivity everywhere - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - Network Sharing and Network Slicing for Railway - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - Aviation Communications - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - e-Navigation Update - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - Cellular network with capacity transfer - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - Maritime Communications - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - 5G Mobile Broadband - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - The Future of Commercial Aviation and Its Spectrum Requirements - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - Development prospects of satellite communications and broadcasting services in the Russian Satellite Communications Company - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - Communications for Maritime safety and efficiency - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - The C-Roads platform - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - The World 1st LTE-R - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - Spectrum Strategy 2016-2020 - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - 5G Spectrum Access - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - IMT Backhaul including High-altitude platform stations - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - Meteorological Satellites, constellations, applications, development - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - C-ITS status in Europe and Outlook - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - Global navigation satellite system, basic principles, constellations, applications - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - Status and Trends of PPDR - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - ETSI activities on intelligent transport systems - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - MEO Constellations - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - Development of Modern Radiocommunication Ecosystems - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - CEPT Workshop on Spectrum for Drones - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - Lisenced Shared Access - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - Promising avenues of market development for satellite communication services in the Republic of Kazakhstan - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - Iridium as a Truly Global Mobile Satellite Network - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - Spectrum Access - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - Mobile Broadband: The path to 5G - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - Economic Aspects of Redeployment in 3 400-3 800 MHz Spectrum Band - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - Development of Modern Radiocommunication Ecosystems - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - The Dream of Affordable Internet Access for Everyone is Getting Closer - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - 5G - technology, spectrum, early use cases - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - Mobile Broadband and beyond - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Presentation - Theory and Practice in Spectrum Value Estimation - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
Photos - ITU Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems" - June 2018
2nd ITU Inter-regional Workshop on WRC-19 Preparation - Geneva, 20-22 November 2018 - Captioning archive
Social Events Calendar - CPM19-2
Mission Request Form
3rd ITU Inter-regional Workshop on WRC-19 Preparation - Geneva, 4-6 September 2019 - Captioning archive
RA-19 - Final list of participants
Categorization of the W(A)RC Resolutions in force
Categorization of the W(A)RC Recommendations in force
Categorization of the W(A)RC Resolutions in force
Categorization of the W(A)RC Recommendations in force
Radio Spectrum for IMT-2020 and beyond: Fostering Commercial and Innovative Use - Program
Description how to install MS Teams
ITU-R Publications related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
ITU-R outputs approved during the 2019-2023 study period
General Rules of Conferences, Assemblies and Meetings of the Union
RA-23 Templates
RA-23- Final list of participants
Recently approved ITU-R outputs (2023-2027 study period)
W(A)RC Recommendations in force
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Updated : 2025-02-06