Página Principal
Study Groups
: SG 3
Radio noise databank
Fascicle on testing variables used for the selection of prediction methods
Guidelines for testing terrestrial prediction methods
Daytime field strengths (Day)
Annual median field strengths measured at 6 hours after sunset in a year of solar minimum (LFMDATA)
Field strengths measured in North America at different solar activity levels (RANDMF)
Relative monthly field strengths (in dB) with respect to annual median values for the year and hour given (SEASONAL)
Annex 2 Definition of format for submitting path profile information
Annex 3 Terrain cover types
Table I-1 - Line-of-sight rain attenuation statistics
Table I-2 - Line-of-sight average worst-month multipath fading & enhancement in narrow bandwidths
Table I-3 - Line-of-sight diversity data
Table 1-4 - Line-of-sight clear sky XPD & CPA statistics
Table 1-5 - Line-of-sight XPD & CPA statistics due to rain
Table 1-6 - Line-of-sight worst month multipath channel characteristics & outage times
Table 1-7 - Line-of-sight multi-hop worst month multipath fading & enhancement
Table 1-8 - Line-of-sight number of fade events and fade duration statistics
Table 1-9 - Line-of-sight annual attenuation statistics at optical wavelengths
Table 1-10 - Line-of-sign worst month attenuation statistics at optical wavelengths
Table II-1 - Slant path annual and monthly statistics of total attenuation, rain attenuation & rain rate
Table II-2 - Slant path worst-month rain attenuation statistics
Table II-3 - Slant path fade duration statistics
Table II-4 - Slant path site diversity statistics
Table II-5a - Slant path annual XPD statistics
Table II-5b - Slant path annual XPD statistics conditioned to CPA
Table II-6 - Slant path statistics of amplitude scintillations
Table II-7 - Slant path standard deviations of scintillations
Table II-8 - Slant path fade slope statistics
Table III-1 - Clear-air trans-horizon basic transmission loss statistics
Table III-1a - Clear-air spot measurement data
Table III-2 - Rain scatter on terrestrial paths
Table IV-1 - Annual and monthly statistics of rain intensity
Table IV-2 - Rain integration time conversion factor
Table IV-3 - Annual statistics of sky noise temperature
Table IV-4 - Statistics of mean surface refractivity
Table IV-5 - Statistics of rain event duration
Table IV-7 - Statistics of cloud cover
Table V-1 - Terrestrial land mobile wideband statistics
Table V-2 - Terrestrial land mobile narrow-band statistics
Table VI-1 - Terrestrial broadcasting signal level variation with time
Table VI-2 - Terrestrial broadcasting signal level variation with location
Table VII-1 - Wideband statistics for mobile-satellite links
Table VII-2 - Narrow-band statistics of maritime mobile-satellite links
Table VII-3 - Narrow-band statistics of land mobile-satellite links
Table VII-4 - Narrow-band statistics of aeronautical mobile-satellite links
Table VII-5 - Narrow-band statistics for satellite broadcasting services
Table VIII-1 - Vegetation attenuation
DBSG3 Table format (Excel)
DBSG3 presentation (pdf)
User manual (pdf)
Download data files (on SG 3 Databanks Table III-1a "long term" (Table iii-data.zip)
Software for ionospheric and tropospheric propagation and radio noise - Fundamental indices of the ionospheric propagation
Fascicle concerning the statistical distribution of integrated water vapour and liquid water contents given in Recommendations ITU-R P.836-4 and ITU-R P.840-4
Procedure to compute the statistics appearing in Table VII-5
Fascicle concerning Annex 3 on Recommendation ITU-R P.837-6 - Physical modelling for the conversion of rain rate statistics at different integration times
Fascicle concerning the rainfall rate model given in Annex 1 to Recommendation ITU-R P.837
Process for developing and publishing handbooks
Background information on tropospheric attenuation time series synthesizer in recommendation ITU-R P.1853
Workshop on ITU-R Study Group 3 Radio wave propagation, The Hague, The Netherlands, 10 April 2014, 15h00 - 18h20 - Registration
Fascicle concerning the use of Recommendation ITU-R P.678
Table II-11 - Slant path standard deviations of differential path length _v1
Table IV-8 - Spatial statistical dependence index of rain intensity
Table IV-9 - Annual and monthly statistics of Total columnar water vapour content
Table IV-10 - Annual and monthly statistics of Total columnar cloud liquid water content
Ionospheric tables - foF2 and M(3000)F2 data
Table IV-11 - Statistics of rain cell characteristics parameters
Table IV-12 - Statistics rain drop size distribution
Table IV-13 - Annual and monthly statistics of tropospheric excess path length
Table X-1 - Trans-Ionospheric Scintillation Index along a slant path
Table X-2 - Total Electron Content along a slant path
Application, validation and data processing of atmospheric path length standard deviation statistics for ground-based antenna array performance predictions
The prediction method of the probability of rain attenuation proposed in Recommendation ITU-R P.618
The processing of tipping bucket rain gause data for Study Group 3 experimental database
The derivation of rain cell characteristics from weather radar data for Table IV-11
Background information on Annex 2 of Recommendation ITU-R P.676-13 and associated digital maps in Recommendation ITU-R P.2145-0
Cloud attenuation prediction method and associated digital maps in Recommendation ITU-R P.840-9
Table II-9 - Slant path time diversity statistics
Table II-12 - Slant path inter-fade duration statistics
Fascicle concerning the processing of drop size distribution data for Study Group 3 Experimental Database
Information describing source of air-ground channel measurement data to be used for contributions to Study Group 3 data banks, formatted Tables Part VII
Table VII-6 - Narrow-band statistics of aeronautical mobile-ground links
Table VII-7 - Wideband statistics of aeronautical mobile-ground links
Fascicle/11 - Guidelines for parameter extraction and testing of land mobile satellite narrowband channel models
Fascicle on topography for Earth-space paths in Recommendation ITU-R P.1511-2
Fascile on rain specific attenuation
Background information on tropospheric attenuation time series synthesizer in Recommendation ITU-R P.1853
Status of studies
Software for ionospheric and tropospheric propagation and radio noise - Fundamental indices of the ionospheric propagation
Table XI-1 - Indoor site-general basic transmission loss
Table VI-1 - Terrestrial point-to-area data
Fascicle on hydrometeor scatter interference
Concerning Recommendation ITU-R P.2108 on clutter loss in the frequency range 30 MHz to 100 GHz - Description of the method for clutter loss measurement
Annex 1 Country codes used
The brightness temperature prediction method in Recommendation ITU-R P.372 - Radio noise
Fascicle on background information on Annex 3 of Recommendation ITU R P.835
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