ITU: Committed to Connecting the World - seven billion actions
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Centre for Youth Empowerment and Leadership (Cyel)
Bonface Witaba, Founder/Director
Kakamega, Kenya

Centre for Youth Empowerment and Leadership (Cyel) is a dynamic programme aimed at empowering youth through ICT to achieve Kenya 's Vision 2030 and Global Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Cyel was formed to pursue interests in Millennium Development Goals arena. Our Agenda is to bring technology closer to the Youth who need it in order to move towards a just and sustainable society to bridge the digital divide gap and achieve Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Mission:To promote understanding of youth culture and ethical aspects relating to ICTs.

Vision:To expand networking among youth organizations in the global village through ICTs.

7 Billion-related issues: ICTs, Poverty and Inequality, Young People, Urbanization, MDGs, Empowerment.

Twitter: @bswitaba



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The 7 Billiion Actions initiative is convened by UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund with support from partners from the private and public sector.