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Candidate for the Radio Regulation Board

Valety Victorovich TIMOFEEV
Deputy Chairman,
State Committee for Communications and
Informatization of the Russian Federation


Personal data
Name: TIMOFEEV Valery Victorovich
Nationality: Russian
Date and place of birth: 26 September 1938, Ryazan Region (Russia)
Civil status: Married, with one child
Current position: Deputy Chairman, State Committee for Communications and Informatization of the Russian Federation
Deputy Chairman, State Commission on Frequency Management
Languages: Russian, French and English

1 Education

1961 Moscow Electrotechnical Institute of Communications
Diploma in Radio Engineering
1967 Post Graduate Course at the State Radio Research Institute (NIIR), Moscow
Diploma of Candidate of Technical Sciences (D.Sc.)
1970 All-Union Academy for Foreign Trade, Moscow
Diploma in International Economy

2 Honours

Order of International Friendship
National Medal "Veteran of Labour"
National Award "Master of Communications"
CCIR Diploma of Honour
ITU Silver Medal

3 Career

Dr. V. Timofeev is a highly qualified specialist in the field of radio-frequency spectrum management and planning at both national and international levels.

In 1961, after graduating from the Moscow Electrotechnical Institute of Communications, Mr. Timofeev joined the State Radio Research Institute (NIIR) as an engineer responsible for testing and developing different types of microwave antennas.

Having been promoted first to the post of senior engineer (1963), then to the post of chief designer (1966) and senior research fellow (1968), Mr. Timofeev took an active part in the development of various microwave communication systems and the "Orbita" domestic satellite system.

From December 1970 to August 1974, Mr. Timofeev worked in the IFRB secretariat as an engineer dealing with the technical examination of frequency assignments to terrestrial and space services, including the coordination of space and earth stations.

Upon his return to Moscow in 1974, Mr. Timofeev was appointed Head of Division at the State Radio Research Institute (NIIR), responsible for studies on frequency sharing and the coordination of space and terrestrial radio systems. In 1978 he was promoted to the post of Head of EMC, Radio-Frequency Spectrum Management and International Cooperation Department, in the same Institute.

The EMC Department under Mr. Timofeev's leadership conducted studies on radiowave propagation and frequency planning and developed national EMC standards and technical terms of reference for numerous international conferences and meetings.

For a number of years he was responsible for the international coordination of various national space systems and headed Russian delegations to numerous coordination meetings with other administrations.

In March 1992, the Government of the Russian Federation appointed Mr. Timofeev, Deputy Chairman of the State Commission on Frequency Management of the Russian Federation and, in July 1997, Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Communications and Informatization of the Russian Federation.

4 International activities

Since 1968 Mr. Timofeev has participated in the meetings of various ITU bodies including CCIR study groups, IFRB seminars, administrative radio conferences and plenipotentiary conferences.

In 1975, as an ITU counsellor, he visited Somalia with a technical assistance mission

The main conferences he has attended include:
  • 1974 World Maritime Administrative Radio Conference, Geneva
  • 1977 World Administrative Radio Conference for the Broadcasting-Satellite Service, Geneva
  • 1979 World Administrative Radio Conference, Geneva
  • 1984 World Administrative Radio Conference for the Planning of HF Bands Allocated to the Broadcasting Service, Geneva (first session)
  • 1985 World Administrative Radio Conference on the Use of the Geostationary-Satellite Orbit and the Planning of Space Services Utilizing It, Geneva (first session)
  • 1987 World Administrative Radio Conference for the Planning of the HF Bands Allocated to the Broadcasting Service, Geneva (second session)
  • 1988 World Administrative Radio Conference on the Use of the Geostationary-Satellite Orbit and the Planning of Space Services Utilizing It, Geneva (second session)
  • 1992 World Administrative Radio Conference for Dealing with Frequency Allocations in Certain Parts of the Spectrum, Malaga-Torremolinos
  • 1993 Radiocommunication Assembly, Geneva
  • 1993 World Radiocommunication Conference, Geneva
  • 1995 World Radiocommunication Conference, Geneva
  • 1997 Radiocommunication Assembly, Geneva
  • 1997 World Radiocommunication Conference, Geneva
  • 1982 ITU Plenipotentiary Conference, Nairobi
  • 1989 ITU Plenipotentiary Conference, Nice
  • 1992 ITU Additional Plenipotentiary Conference, Geneva
  • 1994 ITU Plenipotentiary Conference, Kyoto


Mr. Timofeev was appointed as head or deputy head of national delegations at several ITU conferences and meetings. In 1993 he was elected Vice-Chairman of the first Radiocommunication Assembly and Chairman of the first World Radiocommunication Conference of ITU.
Since 1994, Mr. Timofeev has been a member of the ITU Radio Regulations Board, and in 1998 he was elected as its Chairman.

5 Scientific publications

Mr. Timofeev is the author of more than 60 scientific publications on various aspects of radiocommunication and broadcasting, satellite communications, frequency planning, EMC and international cooperation.

He is a co-author of five monographs.

He is the author and co-author of nine patents on different inventions in the field of radiocommunication.

6 Summary

Mr. Timofeev therefore has extensive work experience in the field of radio-frequency spectrum regulation at both national and international levels as well as in different ITU bodies and forums.

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