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Candidate for the post of Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau

Director, Telecommunication Development
Bureau (BDT), International Telecommunication Union


Name and first name: LAOUYANE Ahmed
Nationality: Tunisian
Date and place of birth: 3 October 1933, Moknine (Tunisia)
Civil status: Widowed, with one child
Grade in the Tunisian: General telecommunication engineer civil service
Current post: Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT), ITU
Languages: Arabic, French, English, Italian and Spanish (elementary)
After pursuing advanced studies in mathematics and physics at the Universities of Tunis and Paris and obtaining a Master's degree in physics ("maîtrise ès sciences physiques") (1962), he studied engineering at the National Higher Telecommunications School (ENST) in Paris, graduating as a telecommunication engineer (1964); he also followed a number of specialized practical internships in France, Sweden, Germany, Italy, USA, Canada, etc.


Recruited in 1957 at the outset of Tunisian independence, he joined the first national team which took over from foreign staff responsible for the technical operation and maintenance of telephone exchanges.
Appointed successively Senior Engineer, Chief Engineer and General Engineer, he directed the integrated automation programmes, modernized management and maintenance methods, prepared a master plan for network development and initiated and carried through large-scale equipment projects using the Tunisian Administration's own resources.
To back up these projects, he organized a far-reaching training and retraining programme, including courses for the requirements of equipment sites, with the support of numerous bilateral and multilateral technical cooperation programmes.
He accompanied these activities with part-time mathematics, physics and electronics teaching, wrote a number of articles and gave several papers on telecommunications.
On behalf of his country, he carried out numerous missions and negotiations with the partners of the Tunisian Administration (PTT administrations, operators, equipment manufacturers, cooperation and financing agencies), more particularly in connection with the automation of international links, supply contracts and various operating, technical cooperation and financing agreements.
Societies and awards:
He served as Chairman of the PTT Technical Club and Deputy General-Secretary of the National Union of Tunisian Engineers (UNIT); he is a member of the Friendly Association of Engineers (ENST-Paris).
He is a Knight of the Order of the Tunisian Republic.


03/74 to 03/77: Principal Regional Counsellor for West Africa (16 countries)
Under the direct authority of the Secretary-General, A. Laouyane carried out pioneering work in Africa by establishing the initial foundation of a regional ITU presence - active and direct. He was particularly concerned with the rationalization of technical cooperation activities through the systematic conduct of sectoral analyses, the drawing up of integrated development master plans for infrastructures and human resources, the modernization of management methods and the strengthening of subregional and regional coordination and cooperation.
Another feature of his activities in the region was the launching and implementation of several national projects, including master plans and training centres, and the impetus given to the coordinated installation of the international arteries and centres of the PANAFTEL network, coupled with the reinforcement of structures and the operation of the Multinational Telecommunication School (EMT) at Rufisque.
09/77 to 06/80: Chief of the Regional Asia and Pacific Division
(33 countries - 48 projects - 25 to 30% of the total ITU programme)
Owing to the successes achieved in the field, the Secretary-General decided to appoint him director of ITU technical cooperation activities for the Asia and Pacific region. In less than four years, the volume of the programme was doubled (from 3.45 to 7.80 million $); the regional presence of ITU was strengthened by the deployment of three regional advisers; five new large-scale regional projects were implemented; also of note was the holding of the first sectoral conference for the continent - precursor of the regional development conferences - for the purpose of defining priorities and mapping out development strategies for the region.
07/80 to 08/86: Chief of the Regional Europe and Middle East Division
(32 countries - 47 projects - 25 to 30% of the total ITU programme)
During this six-year period, A. Laouyane succeeded in giving a fresh impetus to ITU technical cooperation activities in this region, the most noteworthy of which were as follows:
  • Organization and follow-up of two sectoral conferences, one for the Arab countries and the other for the European countries (1981).
  • Launching and feasibility study of major intercontinental submarine cable projects
    (e.g. SE-ME-WE).
  • Launching and implementation of new large-scale regional projects (MEDARABTEL, EUROTELDEV, ARABIZATION, study of PROPAGATION in the Gulf) and numerous domestic projects through the mobilization of substantial resources in addition to those of UNDP (more than 60%).
  • Financing and implementation of major routes, international centres and earth stations (AFESD - UNDP), mainly through multicountry tender arrangements.
  • Organization of a far-reaching programme of group training seminars and workshops (average of 180 days per year).
  • Development of PLANITU (computer-assisted planning).
09/86 to 12/90: Deputy Executive Director of the Centre for Telecommunications Development (CTD)
In September 1986, A. Laouyane was selected and appointed to the post of Deputy Executive Director of CTD, in which he was engaged largely on the introduction of the Centre's structures and procedures; the mapping out and implementation of a multi-annual action plan, precursor of the future BDT action plans; the management of CTD field activities; raising funds for investment projects; and the organization of a series of CTD/World Bank regional seminars on worldwide telecommunication restructuring.
01/91 to 04/94: Chief of the Policies, Strategies and Programming Department (BDT)
Following the establishment of the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT), by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Nice, 1989), A. Laouyane was selected in January 1991 to head this new department created as part of the new structure of ITU development activities.
As Chief of this Department and member of the Steering Committee of BDT, he was primarily concerned initially with setting up the structures of this new Department, having regard to the integration of CTD in BDT; the introduction of new working methods, as recommended by the High Level Committee (HLC); the preparation and organization of the first round of telecommunication development conferences (the regional conferences as well as the first World Development Conference: WTDC-94, Buenos Aires); the strengthening of cooperation with the development organizations and the private sector; the launching of a number of special studies; and the organization of a series of symposia on structural reforms, development strategies and modern management and planning methods.
Particular mention may be made of:
  • Preparation of the first multi-annual activities programme for BDT.
  • Preparation and implementation of special programmes such as assistance to the least developed countries (LDCs), the promotion of technical cooperation among developing countries (TCDC), the organization of seminars, etc.
  • Implementation of the follow-up activities of the regional telecommunication development conferences.
  • Establishment of the Telecommunication Development Advisory Board (TDAB) and organization of its work.
  • The promotional campaign and enrolment arrangements for new Members of the ITU Development Sector.
  • The launching of joint BDT/private sector activities concerned especially with the application of new technologies (rural systems, fibre optic cables, space communications, etc.).
  • Direct assistance to the developing countries (guides, handbooks, opinions, advice, missions on site, etc.).
  • Mobilization of financial resources for development projects (technical assistance and investment).
  • The elaboration and publication of important reports, on: development indicators for each region (1992/93); world telecommunication development (1994); worldwide telecommunication restructuring.
  • Policies and strategies for rural telecommunication development.
  • Production of guides on: the elaboration of master plans; financing of investments.
01/95 to date: Director of the BDT (ITU)
As announced at his election by the Kyoto Plenipotentiary Conference (October 1994), A. Laouyane has undertaken, during his first term of office as Director of BDT, to complete and consolidate the structures of the Development Sector of the Union and to impart a new dynamism to BDT's activities, by giving priority to action in the field, particularly in areas where the BDT's "catalytic" input is likely to produce a tangible multiplier effect.
In particular, his work has involved:
  • The establishment of the first ITU-D study groups and the organization of their work. A number of major reports, recommendations, guides and handbooks have thus been produced in less than three years.
  • Organization of two regional conferences, one for Africa (Abidjan, 1996), the other for the Arab States (Beirut, 1996), and organization of the second World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-98, Valletta, Malta, 1998).
  • Organization of a full series of regional colloquia on finance, trade and tariffs (Abidjan, 1996; Amman, 1996; Brasilia, 1997; New Delhi, 1997; Geneva, 1997; St. Petersburg, 1998).
  • Implementation of the 12 operational programmes of the Buenos Aires Action Plan and of the special programme for the LDCs.
  • Launching of special projects and programmes: Africa One - SPACECOM – TELEMEDICINE – Interactive television for education – TELECOM and ENVIRONMENT – Community TELECENTRES – INITIATIVE for Africa – Special programme (Initiative 2000) financed by the surpluses from the TELECOM exhibitions – Introduction of GMPCS systems – Collaboration with INFODEX (World Bank) – Global Telecommunication University, etc.
  • Implementation of major technical cooperation projects (UNDP and ITF) for an average annual volume of the order of 30 million dollars.

Preparation and publication of major reports:

World telecommunication development:

  • information infrastructure (1995),
  • direction of traffic and international tariffs (1996),
  • trade in telecommunications (1996/97),
  • telecommunications and the Internet (1997),
  • telecommunication development in the era of restructuring (1997).
  • world telecommunication development indicators (1997),
  • universal access (1998),
  • investment financing (1998).
  • Regional telecommunication development indicators (1994-1997).
  • Telecommunication policy: African Green Paper (1996) - Blue Paper for the Americas (1996) - Arab Book (1996).
  • Other important reports in preparation for WTDC-98: Strategic report - Investment financing - Trends in restructuring, etc.
  • Production of numerous guides, handbooks and software as an aid to management, operation and vocational training.
Since 1964, A. Laouyane has attended all ITU Plenipotentiary Conferences and most of the plenipotentiary conferences held by regional organizations, as well as most of the major conferences and seminars organized by ITU. He has also participated as the main organizer in all the regional and world telecommunication development conferences.



To sum up, A. Laouyane has more than 30 years of career experience devoted essentially to TELECOMMUNICATION DEVELOPMENT, bilateral and multilateral TECHNICAL COOPERATION and partnership for development, first at the national level (1957-1974) and subsequently in the service of ITU (from 1974 to date), in favour of most of the developing countries and in the interests of all Members of the Union.

This resulted in his well-deserved election to the post of Director of BDT by the Kyoto Plenipotentiary Conference (October, 1994).

It was also in recognition of his vision, his commitment and his assiduous work in the field that TIME Magazine named him as one of the TOP 50 CYBER ELITE (September 1997).

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