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Candidate for the post of Deputy Secretary-General

Director, Spectrum and International Policy,
Radiocommunications Agency
Department of Trade and Industry


Personal details Born 6 June 1947. British nationality.
Married with two sons and one daughter.
Professional Qualifications B Sc (Hons) Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University
of Birmingham, England.
Fellow of the Institution of Electrical Engineers (FIEE).
ITU Experience UK Member or ITU Council since 1994 and member of several Council Working Groups.
Chairman of ITU Radiocomunications Advisory Group. Head of Delegation to Plenipotentiary Conference, Kyoto, 1994. Deputy Head of delegation to Additional Plenipotentiary Conference, Geneva, 1992, and Plenipotentiary Conference, Nice, 1989.
Head of UK delegation to WARC-87, WARC-92, WRC-95 and WRC-97; and Chairman of Committee 4, WRC-95.
Lead spokesman for UK in various committees at WARC-77 and WARC-79.
Participated in Study Groups and CCIR Plenary Assembly.
1975 - 1978.
First-hand experience in the development of telecommunications regulatory regimes in one of the most competitive and liberalised telecommunications environments in the World.
  Spent several months in 1996/7 with leading IT company developing new businesses in interactive multimedia.
  First chairman of the European Radiocomunications Committee of CEPT. Took the lead in establishing the European Radiocomunications Office including negotiating an international agreement, setting budgets, and recruiting staff.
  Introduced concept of "Spectrum Reviews" in UK, chaired first review and contributed to all further reviews. Developed first comprehensive "Spectrum Strategy".


Career summary

1987 - present Director, Spectrum and International Policy
Radiocomunications Agency
Department of Trade and Industry
  Overall responsibility for: radio spectrum policy; regulatory co-ordination; the Agency's research programme; and representing the UK in all relevant international fora. (The Agency leads for the UK in ITU matters.) Direct responsibility for about 55 staff and "Head of Profession" for all engineering and technical staff in the Agency. Member of the Agency's Management Board.
1984 - 1987 Head of Forward Planning, then Head of Branch Radiocommunications Division, Department of Trade and Industry
  Policy and managerial responsibility for personnel management, training, recruitment, finance and accounting for the whole Division; mobile radio technology; and forward planning and research..
1980 - 1984 Head of Section
Prison Department, Home Office
  General administrative experience. Involved in development of legislation and made major contributions to penal policy.
1969 - 1980 Various posts up to Head of Section Radio Regulatory Department, Home Office
  Planning and engineering studies for broadcasting services fixed links maritime services etc. Later responsible for broad frequency policy.
1965 - 1969 General Post Office training
  Post Office student apprenticeship combining practical telecommunications experience with university degree course.
Publications Many publications in conference proceedings, trade and specialist journals including "The New International Telecommunication Union", British Telecommunications Engineering July 1994; and "The Future of Spectrum Management - European Harmonisation", Financial Times Conference, June 1992.

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