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Candidate for the post of Secretary-General

Deputy Secretary-General
of the International Telecommunication Union


Born 17 February 1940 in Maragoli, Kenya
Nationality Kenyan
Family Status Married, two sons and two daughters


1955-1958 Alliance High School, Kikuyu, Kenya
1959-1964 Makerere University College, Kampala, Uganda
(B.Sc. in Mathematics and Physics)
1969-1974 Imperial College of Science and Technology (University of London).
Diploma of the Imperial College (D.I.C.) in Telecommunications and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering.

Work Experience



1964-1966 Assistant Telecommunications Controller
1966-1968 Senior Assistant Telecommunications Controller
Responsibility for development and planning functions, quality of service standards, customer relations and regulating the use of private radio.
1968-1969 Telecommunications Controller
Responsibility for coordinating the work of regional branches in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda in the areas of service quality, exchange design and trunk dimensioning. Regulation of private radio networks.
1971-1973 Chief, Growth Estimates and design Group
Responsible for preparation of the 1972-79 programme for telecommunication development in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda; telecommunications representative on the East African Committee of Planners (inter-governmental body set up to provide advice on investment decisions for all the East African Community corporations).
In December 1972, member of the team which negotiated with the World Bank for funding the 1972-79 East African telecommunication development programme.
Represented East Africa in the activities relating to the implementation of the Pan-African telecommunication network curing 1971-1972.



1974-1978 Traffic Analyst, Technical and Operations Division
Responsible for organizing INTELSAT's annual global traffic meetings and the processing of traffic projections for entry into the INTELSAT traffic data base.
1978-1980 Senior Member of the Technical Staff, Planning and Studies Department
Performed system studies for the future INTELSAT system. Responsible for INTELSAT's preparations for WARC -79 and attendance at that Conference.
1981-1982 Chief, System Analysis Group, Planning and Studies Department
Responsible for INTELSAT's preparations for the First Session of WARC -85/88 (for the planning of the geostationary satellite orbit and of the services utilizing it) and for the development of general satellite planning methodology and economics.
1982-1985 Manager, Intersystem Coordination Office
Responsible for frequency coordination of INTELSAT networks under the Radio Regulations and the procedures of the INTELSAT Organization. Led INTELSAT delegations in Intersystem coordination negotiations with other satellite operators. Supervised the preparation of notices of frequency assignments for INTELSAT satellite networks for submission to the IFRB; and the development of mathematical and software tools for use by INTELSAT in its coordination activities.
1985-1994 Department Manager, Orbital Resources
Responsible for the management of INTELSAT's access to orbit/spectrum resources and for INTELSAT's relations with the ITU and its three Sectors as well as with ETSI and ISO. Responsible for the management of the bilateral exchange of information with those bodies and the interaction of INTELSAT experts with them. Responsible for INTELSAT preparations and representation at all major ITU Conferences. Provided advice to INTELSAT management on regulatory issues affecting telecommunication services and the use of radio.


1995 - Present

Elected Deputy Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union at the 1994 Kyoto Plenipotentiary Conference. In this position, leads the Organization in the absence of the Secretary-General. Assists the Secretary-General in a variety of activities. Chairs the Senior Level Management Committee which is charged with the responsibility for internal management and coordination of inter-sectoral activities, for preparation of the biennial Union budget and for overseeing preparations for Council and for major ITU conferences. Chairs the Steering Committee of the management development project which is preparing future ITU managers for reform and for the needs of the Union in the post year 2000 timeframe



Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), U.S.A.

Produced by ITU Press & Public Information Service

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