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Candidate for the Radio Regulation Board


Name: R.N. Agarwal
Nationality: Indian
Date of birth: 13 January 1942
Civil status: Married, with two daughters
Current post: Wireless Adviser to Government of India
Ministry of Communications, New Delhi
Languages: Hindi, English, French (basic knowledge)
Education: – Bachelor of Science

– Bachelor of Engineering
(Telecommunication Engineering)

– Fellow of Institution of Electronics and
Telecommunications Engineers, India

– Diploma in French language

Career summary:
– More than 35 years of experience in various positions in the national spectrum management and radio regulatory authority. Activities included spectrum management and radio regulatory functions, international and national policy matters concerning all radiocommunication matters as related to all types of satellites and terrestrial based radiocommunication services, national and international spectrum and orbit coordination, licensing, radio monitoring, including system design and development of satellite monitoring earth stations and other monitoring facilities, all matters concerning the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Asia Pacific Telecommunity (APT) in the capacity of the "Indian Administration" and other related functions.
Major international positions:
Current: – Chairman, ITU Special Committee on radio regulatory matters

– Chairman, APT Preparatory Group for Asia Pacific Region for WRC-2000 of ITU

– Indian Councillor on the ITU Council

– Member, APT Telecommunication Standardization Committee for Asia Pacific Region

– Member, Interregional Preparatory Group for WRC-2000

Past: – Vice-Chairman, ITU-R Study Group 1 on spectrum management from 1986-1997

– Chairman, ITU-R Working Party 1C on spectrum monitoring techniques from 1987-1998

– Vice-Chairman, Special Committee on radio regulatory matters for WRC-97 and Chairman, working group on HF broadcasting

– Vice-Chairman, CPM for WRC-97 and Chairman, working group on radio regulatory matters

– Chairman, working party of CPM on radio regulatory matters for WRC-95

– Chairman, APT regional Expert Group for WRC-97 preparations

– Chairman, APT regional meeting for WRC-95

– Chairman, working group on refinement of simplified radio regulations, WRC-97

– Vice-Chairman, working group of Plenary and Chairman, radio regulatory ad hoc Group on categorization of services, WRC-95

– Vice-Chairman, one of the substantive committees, WRC-93

International assignments:
– Served as UN/ITU Senior Expert on spectrum management and radio regulatory matters in Trinidad and Tobago, and in Kuwait.
Major international activities:
– Actively participating in various activities of ITU, APT and other international fora for the last 25 years. These included world administrative radio conferences/world radiocommunication conferences, Plenipotentiary/Additional Plenipotentiary Conferences, CCIR Plenary/radiocommunication assemblies, CCIR/ITU-R study groups, radio regulatory committees/radiocommunication advisory group, CCITT Plenary Assembly/world telecommunication standardization conference, ITU Council, world telecommunication policy forum, IFRB seminar, APT regional meetings for WRC preparations, APT GMPCS regional meeting, etc.

– Chaired and vice-chaired many international meetings, committees, working groups, panels, etc.

– Head/alternate head of Indian delegations to various conferences, meetings, etc.

– Head/alternate head of Indian delegations to various bilateral meetings with various administrations, international organizations and consortium, especially as related to spectrum management, international coordination and radio regulatory matters for various satellite and terrestrial based radiocommunication networks.

– UN/ITU fellowship for study tour/training in spectrum management, radio regulatory and monitoring activities in several countries.

Major national activities:
– Chairman, committee on electromagnetic compatibility of Bureau of Indian Standards.

– Chairman of committee for use of Indian national satellite system for dissemination of standard time and frequency signal.

– Chairman of various national committees, especially related to spectrum management, radio regulatory, electromagnetic compatibility studies, etc.

– Members of various national committees as related to radiocommunication activities/policies, including INSAT (domestic satellite system) implementation, space policy, satellite and terrestrial broadcasting policy, GMPCS policy, GMDSS implementation, etc.

Publications: – Presented and published many articles and papers on a variety of subjects, especially related to spectrum management, radio regulations and electromagnetic compatibility in various international and national journals, seminars, panel discussions, radio talks, etc.

– Delivered lectures and keynote addresses in many international and national fora, universities, technical institutions, etc. Chaired many sessions in various fora.

– Developed the Handbook on Spectrum Monitoring as Chairman, ITU-R working party on spectrum monitoring techniques.

Awards: – Awarded Diploma of Recognition by ITU for outstanding contributions to the work of the ITU-R study group on spectrum management.

– Awarded Diploma of Recognition by ITU for outstanding contributions to the work of the conference preparatory meeting for world telecommunication conferences.

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