WSIS Forum 2022 Final Week, 30 May to 3 June, will be held physically @ the ITU | WSIS Forum 2022 Chairman Designate announced | Generation Connect Global Youth Summit 2022
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WSIS Flash Newsletter
23 May 2022
WSIS Forum 2022
WSIS Forum 2022 Final Week

We are happy to invite you to join the WSIS Forum 2022 Final Week, 30 May to 3 June, which will be held physically at the ITU Headquarters in Geneva with enhanced remote participation. The final week will feature an Opening Ceremony to inaugurate the final week, the WSIS Prizes 2022 Award Ceremony, High-Level Dialogues, an Exhibition where WSIS stakeholders will showcase projects and activities that highlight how ICTs are helping achieve the SDGs, various social events, and several workshops and sessions. To attend in person complete your registration here, to participate virtually visit the agenda.

WSIS Forum 2022 Chairman Designate
WSIS Forum 2022 Chairman Designate

We are pleased to announce that the WSIS Forum 2022 Chairman Designate H.E. Professor Isa Ali Ibrahim (Pantami), Minister of Communications & Digital Economy of Nigeria will be appointed during the Final Week on the 31st May at ITU in Geneva!

Generation Connect Global Youth Summit 2022
How can you participate in a lifechanging event?
Global Youth Summit 2022

Bring the young leaders, entrepreneurs, social change-makers and promising youth from your organization, company and/or university to the Generation Connect Global Youth Summit, which will be held in Kigali, Rwanda, from 2 to 4 June 2022!

They will work with other young leaders from around the world to brainstorm on how technologies can be harnessed to advance progress towards the SDGs and propose, with their unique cultural and personal perspectives and experiences, how the power of technology can change the world.

By amplifying young voices in the digital development dialogue at a global level, your sponsorship will not only have a direct impact on the lives of those attending the event, but on the lives of generations to come.

With your support, we can build an international movement of passionate youth advocates, using technology and ICTs to shape our future – and achieve our common goals of a more inclusive and sustainable digital future for all.

Find registration steps for physical and remote participation here. If you are interested in hosting a virtual hub, please let us know here. We look forward to welcoming you - physically or virtually - to the Generation Connect Global Youth Summit!

Prizes & Awards

Tune in to the the Final Week for the winners announcements and awarding of prizes for the 2022 editions of the WSIS Prizes Contest, WSIS Forum Photo Contest, Healthy Ageing Innovation Prize and the Hackathon!

WSIS Forum 2022 Prizes and Awards
WSIS Forum 2022 Partners
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23 May 2022
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