At the request of and in collaboration with WSIS Stakeholders a repository of Women in Tech has been launched. The goal is to identify and connect women leaders and practitioners in all sectors of the ICT industry.
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WSIS Forum 2022 ICTs and Gender Mainstreaming
WSIS Stocktaking Repository of Women in Technology

The WSIS Process affirms the importance of promoting and maintaining gender equality and women empowerment, guaranteeing the inclusion of women in the emerging global ICT society, and emphasizes the need to fully integrate gender equality perspectives in WSIS related strategies and facilitate their implementation to ensure that the Information Society enables women’s empowerment and full participation based on equality in all spheres of society and in all decision-making processes.


At the request of and in collaboration with WSIS Stakeholders a repository of Women in Tech has been launched. The goal is to identify and connect women leaders and practitioners in all sectors of the ICT industry from all regions and engage them in events, forums (e.g., WSIS Forum) and activities such as various workshops, training courses, networking events, aimed at fostering a dialogue on the use of ICTs as a means for implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Launch of Repository of Women in Tech
Wednesday 4 August, 14:30–15:30 CEST
AI/ML in 5G Challenge

Train your brain on real-world AI puzzles in 5G. The ITU Challenge on AI and Machine Learning in 5G welcomes you to join like-minded students and professionals from around the world in solving problems at top of mind for innovators working to ensure that communication networks capitalize on new capabilities introduced by advances in AI and Machine Learning (ML). Registration for this second edition of the Challenge is open until 31 August. Choose one of sixteen exciting problem statements. 1st Prize: 5’000 CHF, plus more. Teaser video: The ML5G Challenge teaser video is on YouTube.


We look forward to seeing you next year at the WSIS Forum 2022.

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