Precision Agriculture

Details of the organization
Civil society entities

Information about the project
Precision Agriculture
Precision agriculture refers to the monitoring and control of the real time information collected from farms using different technologies of soil sensors such as humidity, moisture, temperature sensors etc .Precision agriculture define as a control of current situation in farms, it is a process of collecting, processing, analyzing ant interpreting information collected from farms to communicate/show current situation plants. For the development of precision agriculture practices, question of data management, data ownership and access to open data is of key importance. Special attention is needed for establishing an open data approach throughout the food chain, with adequate standards that facilitate data exchange while preventing misuse of natural monopolies or lock-in effects. Making farmers the owners of their data and providing opportunities to control the flow of their data to stakeholders should help build trust with farmers for exchanging data and harvest the fruits of the analysis of big data. Plus agriculture in Rwanda accounts for third of Rwanda’s GDP. It remains the main source of income to more than 70% of the population. Rwanda as among the fastest growing economy and advancement in technology; precision agriculture is very much necessary to improve the production in agriculture.
Regional implementation
  • Africa
Ongoing from 17/10/2017 to 30/03/2018
Ndayisaba Wilson Ruzibiza Samantha Ndizihiwe Anne Claire Musabirema Narcisse Ingabire Claudine Mukashyaka Alphonsine Umutoni Natacha Gasheja Intime Iradukunda Emmanuella Ishimwe Frank Kevin Kabera

WSIS information
      * E-agriculture
  • Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
  • Project
  • Database