Drones for Agriculture Youth Training Project

Details of the organization
iDrone Services Limited
Business sector entities

Information about the project
Drones for Agriculture Youth Training Project
It is high time to frequently hear about the use of Drones for agriculture. Indeed, it is good time for our small-scale farmers to transit from analogue farming to digital farming methods. We at iDrone Services Limited believe that drones are an instrumental ICT4Ag tool to provide excitement and employment to our rural educated youth. The iDrone4Ag youth project will create Green Collar jobs instead of youth migrating to cities for the hunt of White Collar jobs. The project will enable two youth from each farming community to get practical hands-on training for the commercial operations of small RGB camera drones. The primary focus of the five-day training will be on the use of drones for crop mapping. The youth will also acquire relevant exposure on use of drones for the community welfare surveys, which will bring them regular income even after the crop season is over. The training is highly simplified and tailored specifically for rural educated youth, who will be encouraged to transfer to other capable members of their community. iDrone Services Limited has significant industrial know-how for training, implementation and support for iDrone4Ag youth project on a regular committed basis.
National implementation: Zambia
Planned for future from 01/06/2018 to 15/12/2018
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, CTA is our partner organisation to promote and develop Drones for Agriculture in Zambia.

WSIS information
      * E-agriculture
  • Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
  • Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
  • Goal 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all
  • Project
  • Training initiative