The Internet of Pig Industry

Details of the organization
Beijing Nxin Internet Technology Co. LTD.
Business sector entities

Information about the project
The Internet of Pig Industry
Beijing Nxin Internet Technology Co. LTD. (hereinafter referred to as “Nxin”) is a high-tech enterprise in “Internet+Agriculture” t. At present, Nxin has built a pig full-chain internet service platform which has three key platforms as core business: “Data + E-commerce + Finance”, namely Internet of Pig Industry, the business includes Pig Service, Pig Trading and Pig Finance. By making use of mobile Internet, Internet of Things, cloud computing, big data and other technology, the Internet of Pig Industry forms a business model of "management digitization, business e-commerce, financial development and industrial ecology", which has been extended to agriculture such as orange, donkey, aquatic products and egg poultry and etc. The Internet of Pig Industry realizes the cross-border integration of "Internet + Modern Agriculture" and data-driven transformation and upgrading of the whole pig industry chain. Besides, the platform provides data support for the macro-control and sustainable development of China's pig industry.
National implementation: China
Completed from 02/01/2015 to 02/12/2016

WSIS information
      * E-agriculture
  • Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
  • Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
  • Database