Internet Safety Working Group

Details of the organization
Ministry of Communications and Information Technology
  • The organization has a strategy for coordinating WSIS Implementation at the national level: Yes
  • The organization has a national e-strategy: Yes

Information about the project
Internet Safety Working Group
It started its activities in October 2009 with the aim of activating a national strategy for protecting and empowering children online with the belief that empowerment is the key to online protection. The group works on preventive, protective and corrective mechanisms addressing children, parents and educators. The National e- Safety Working Group sought a number of objectives including: Dissemination and awareness raising of safe Internet usages at homes, in the educational institutions, and NGOs; evaluation of the current situation of child online safety, and recommendations to adopt new specific policies in the field of child online protection that suit the nature of the Egyptian society and the latest technological developments; creation of a safe environment for children online; Working with similar regional and international organizations active in the same field. The group is open to new members and includes for the time being: The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology MCIT - The Ministry of Justice - The Ministry of Interior (General Administration for Information and Documentation) - The Ministry of Education - The Ministry of Information -The Ministry of Higher Education – The National Council for Youth – The National Council for Childhood and Motherhood (NCCM)- The National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (NTRA) – Egypt’s ICT Trust Fund - The State Information Service (SIS) – a number of ISPs – Private Companies working in the field of ICT (Microsoft, IBM, Cisco, Oracle, Intel…) – and Egyptian Mobile Operators. Work Mechanisms of the National e-Safety working Group Exchange of information among group members about the efforts made by each member in the field of Child online Protection, and determining future steps. 1. Establishing an ongoing dialogue concerning new facts, information, news, tools or trends that can contribute to support the implementation of plans for protecting children online in Egypt. 2. Initiate studies, surveys and opinion polls to determine risks faced by children using the Internet, and determining who should be responsible for dealing with those risks, and developing general guidelines for how to address those risks. 3. Following- up all conferences and seminars held at the local and international levels in order to raise awareness about the safe use of Internet and combating Cybercrime, and contributing to those forums objectively and effectively, with a view on Egypt’s concerns and issues. 4. Creating specialized sub-working groups to work on important issues such as the indicators working group examining those indicators relevant to measuring progress in child online safety efforts.
National implementation:
Ongoing from

WSIS information
* Building confidence and security in use of ICTs
  • Project