Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2020 Winner

Recruitment Process Management as a Shared Service for Government Agencies of Bangladesh

This Shared Recruitment Management Service is an ideal choice for Govt agencies as it enables those agencies to focus on their core. It’s a secured platform to process job applications. It utilizes BlockChain technology to prevent fraudulent practices related to assessment exam. It enables applicants to apply from home & pay from mobile. Employers can process job applications. It has online exam with automated result processing facility. large question bank ensures managing assessment test with quality


The concept of shared platform/services to facilitate citizen service delivery utilizing emerging technologies is a crucial part of Bangladesh National Digital Architecture. It ensures cost reduction and optimization is achieved while improving process, information systems and technology support in a disciplined manner. Bangladesh Computer Council established this System as a shared service for all govt agencies. It enables the Govt agencies to accomplish end-to-end recruitment process and related tasks through increased interoperability, enhanced security measures, reduced risk and lower procurement costs.
It's a web based secure system to process recruitment management activities electronically. It covers activities from Job posting to shortlisting of candidates. There is facility to manage Question Bank and online exam. It contains Provision of Online transaction verification with Bank. It's integrated with DLS platform (a private Blockchain infra) for storing admit card info. It has 3 modules – e-Recruitment module, Exam Controller module and Online Exam module
Results achieved:
This System is a successful project based on implementation achievements. It has been used by 24+ Govt agencies/projects. Recruitment of 1800+ applicants is already completed! It has processed 1,50,000+ online job applications against 70+ posts of 50+ different recruitment notices in last 2+ years. Several entities have used this system multiple times. 2-3 new agencies are in pipeline.
It has helped agencies to process large number of job applications within shortest time & effort and enable agencies to focus on their core functionalities. We are seeing impressive response from govt organizations and applicants. It's saving govt expenditure to a great extent as they no longer need to procure similar system. Job applicants from rural areas are now able to apply with ease and relieving them from standing in queue in bank branch. It's creating positive impression among applicants about govt services

Project website

Action lines related to this project
  • AL C7. E-employment 2020
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 1: No poverty
  • Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
  • Goal 10: Reduced inequalities

  • Bangladesh



Start date

September 2016

End date

January 2018

Target beneficiary group(s)
  • Youth
  • Women
  • People with disabilities
  • The unemployed
  • The poor
  • Remote and rural communities
  • Job seekers


If a concept or project has been proven to work in one community or region, it can often be exported to other communities or regions in the same country or abroad. While there are, of course, vast differences between countries and even between different parts of the same country, a good project will often be capable of being replicated elsewhere. We strongly believe that our Recruitment management service has all the capabilities to be replicated.
We followed BNDA framework (designed following TOGAF v9 framework) in developing and maintenance of the recruitment management service. BNDA framework is established to meet the growing demands of the public & private sector organizations and citizens by providing integrated and inter-operable e-services in a more secure, reliable and efficient manner through usage of ICTs. BNDA framework promotes development and implementation of shared services.
The Recruitment management service has created precedence of shared service or BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) in the govt sector of Bangladesh. Increasing usage of the online system by more and more govt agencies will definitely avoid the need to reinvent the wheel. Hence it will create similar impact of replicating the system. BCC has already taken initiative to extend the system's reach to govt agencies. Also, we have plan to conduct Promotional and Awareness seminar/workshop.
We think this system can be replicated to other developing countries as it covers standard recruitment process. We assume it may need minor modification/customization to adapt the system for other countries. However, BCC will be more than happy to take the responsibility of tweaking the system for replicating t other countries


We are assuming 'sustainability' as the ability of the online system to continue its operational activities far into the future. All projects have to end eventually, but the project impacts need to continue. Peoples want to see how the online system and its impact will outlive their direct involvement in the system. A project can be sustainable in three main categories: organizational, financial, and community sustainability.
Organizational: BCC is a statutory body under ICT division, Government Of Bangladesh. BCC is hosting the recruitment management service in national data center (maintained by BCC itself) and carrying out operation & maintenance of the system with the help of regular employees and consultants. BCC already chalked plan to extend the platform features for generating revenue. Project team/consultants is working closely with BCC in this regard. So there is no doubt about continuing operation of the online system by BCC.
Financial: In a sense, BCC is providing managed service for other govt agencies using the Recruitment management system. It can act as a revenue generating source through imparting services related recruitment process. For example, BCC can take service charge from organizations for taking job applications online, processing/scrutinizing the submitted applications, shortlist applicants for assessment test, sending admit cards electronically, taking online exam, processing results of assessment test and publishing the result. It proves the system can be financially sustainable also.
Community: We are seeing positive response in using the recruitment system by Govt agencies. They are able to save effort & expenditure that was otherwise needed to process recruitment related tasks manually. For job applicants, the online system preserves data of previous job applications. They can any time log into the system and go through his profile info, job application records etc and utilize these info during applying for next jobs. So it can be opined that it's increasing community base

WSIS values promotion

Our recruitment management service is helping unemployed peoples to apply for govt jobs with ease. It's intuitive responsive interface enables applicants to view employment opportunities even from his mobile/ smartphone. In fact, it's helping poor people to get job with less hassle and thus contributing to reduce poverty and decent work for all. Employer organizations are scrutinizing and shortlisting applicants electronically which ensures transparency in the process. So it will help for better user experience and to accelerate realizing benefits of e-governance establishment. Online exam also creates environment of fair judgement for assessing applicant's aptitude. It paves the way to judge applicants from a neutral point of view and thereby acts as a quality check of applicants' educational experiences. Secured question bank prevents question leak of assessment exam and establishes fair competition for job applicants. Storing admit cards (needed to show during assessment test) info in private BlockChain platform (owned by BCC) prevents fraudulent practices. This approach can be claimed as unique and innovative also. This is the 1st INSTANCE of utilizing BlockChain technology in govt application/service in Bangladesh

Entity name

Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC)

Entity country—type

Bangladesh Government

Entity website