About 11% of the population of Bangladesh consists of minorities, who face discrimination due to their religion, ethnicity, gender identity, and geographical location-based differences. Discrimination persists in the above groups on access to education, healthcare, housing, employment, and legal support. To empower these communities and improve their involvement in the development process, Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC) implemented a consortium project titled Empowering Left Behind Minority Communities to Effectively Participate in the development process of Bangladesh (ELMC). The overall objective of this project is – to empower local minority rights CSOs and networks in Bangladesh to effectively engage with left-behind communities and enable their participation in the local governance & development process.Under these initiatives, BNNRC has been supporting community radios to develop radio content like -News, Community opinion, Radio Spots/ Drama, Community Service Announcement (CSA) or Public Service Announcement (PSA), Expert Interviews, Case stories, live discussion/phone in, and fellowship program for youth and youth women considering the local issues and using local dialect so that the community can easily understand the messages. The programs are designed in consultation with and engage the left-behind community people. The issues are Recognition as Individuals, Ensure of health services, Education, Employment and Decent work opportunities, Property Rights, etc. The radio programs both community radios and its Facebook Page created an opportunity to link all stakeholders- Dalit, Plain Land Ethnic Minorities, Transgender & Hijra communities, and their rights National ‘Leave no one behind’ CSOs, and different Govt. departments at the community level.This project aims to directly reach more than 6 lakh people from marginalized communities and indirectly reach more than 18 lakh people additionally.
01 January 2022
01 March 2022
Empowering left-behind minority communities through Community Radios in Bangladesh is a community-based on-demand project. The project has been implemented through the engagement of left-behind minority communities like Dalit, Plain Land Ethnic Minorities, Transgender & Hijra communities, Tea Workers, Persons with disabilities (PWD), other listeners, local media, social media users, Govt. officials and community media broadcasters for developing and broadcasting radio episodes. So, the project is replicable all over the world where Radio waves and Social Media (SM) are available and functioning.
In this era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) and rapid change of global context, Radio programs, and social media content becomes a tool to reach wider audiences for building awareness of the left-behind minority community’s effective participation in the development process towards reducing inequalities of the society. Hence Community Radio can play a vital role to make people aware to minimize discrimination in society and cope with the competitive global challenges collectively. As the radio and social media are the most popular media, cheaper, portable, and easy to access so with the contribution of the community the program could be run to remove the social barriers and stigma.
Through this intervention, WSIS values (Action line- C8) in Bangladeshi communities are strongly adhered to and promoted extensively. This is done through promoting cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity, and local content of the left-behind minority community to raise awareness of their rights.
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC)
Bangladesh — Civil Society
The details of the partners’ stations are- Community Radio Padma 99.2FM, Monafer Morh, Rajshahi Email: radiopadma@gmail.com Community Radio Nalta 99.2FM, Kaligonj, Satkhira Email: info_radionalta@naltahospital.org.bd Community Radio Lokobetar 99.2FM, Barguna Sadar, Barguna Email: lokobetar@gmail.com Community Radio Pollikontho 99.2FM, Matarkapon, Moulvibazar Email: pollikontho@gmail.com Community Radio Sagor Giri 99.2FM, Sitakunda, Chattogram Email: sagorgiri@gmail.com Community Radio Mahananda 98.8FM, Belepukur, Chapai Nawabgonj Community Radio Mukti 99.2FM, Maloti Nagar, Bogura Email: news.rmfm.bd@gmail.com Community Radio Chilmari 99.2FM, Chilmari, Kurigram Email: radiochilmari@gmail.com Community Radio Krishi 99.8FM, Amtoli, Barguna Email: krishiradioais@gmail.com Community Radio Meghna 99.0FM, Charfashion, Bhola Email: info@radiomeghna.net Community Radio Sagordwip 99.2FM, Hatiya, Noakhali Email: radioshagordwip@gmail.com Community Radio Sarabela 98.8FM, Radhakrishnapur, Gaibandha Email: radiosarabela@gmail.com Community Radio Boral 99.0FM, Bagha, Rajshahi Email radioboral.program@gmail.com, sm@radioboral.org Community Online visual Radio Dwip, Sandwip, Chattogram Email: radiodwip.ypsa2020@gmail.com Community Online visual Radio Voirob, Bagerhat Sadar, Bagerhat. Email: radiovoirob19@gmail.com Community Radio Saikat 99.0FM, Cox's Bazar E-mail: golap.coast@gmail.com
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