The EDUS project is the result of an initiative promulgated by Law 9162 Single Digital Health Record (EDUS) in order to establish the scope and mechanisms of action necessary for the development of the planning, financing, supply of inputs and resources process. and implementation, from a country perspective, aiming to benefit internal and external users, by reducing the existing digital divide, as well as obtaining the traceability of patients with a single medical record.In compliance with the provisions of said law, in article 5 subsection g, it is indicated that as part of the Orientation of the EDUS Technological Solution, it must comply with portability; subsection that textually indicates “in accordance with the implementation strategy, the portability feature of the information contained in the digital file may be introduced, through which users can carry with them the essential information of their file through the use of electronic devices. ”So the CCSS made the EDUS APP available to the population so that users of the institution's services can have up-to-date health information at hand and safely, being able to consult personal data, medications that are taking, detected allergies, medical diagnoses, validation of rights, surgical route consultation, consult pending and previous medical appointments, and, if you had any scheduled surgery, they could track how much is missing for this;THE EDUS APP is a tool that enables the CCSS to have greater contact with the insured population, where the patient can directly receive information related to their health indicators; and represents a substantial boost in the subject of mobile health (mHealth in its terminology in English), this because not only is a tool being provided to facilitate the processes of providing services in a digital way, but also allows it to be ubiquitously with associated mobility, where information can be accessed from anywhere and at any time.
he CCSS with the implementation of EDUS and its APP, as a comprehensive, innovative and incipient project, has generated a before and after in the provision of public health services at the national level, adopting an approach where technology and innovation have a positive impact the mechanisms of access to the health system, the opportunity, safety and quality of care.Every process of transformation and incorporation of digital technologies requires the deployment of a change management strategy, training and effective communication. Leading units and users must be identified, which will become model centers, allowing them to be taken as a reference by other centers in the implementation processes.From the conceptualization of the project, it is necessary to take the end user of the services as the center of the process. Any transformation process must be accompanied by a legal component that allows the existing regulatory framework to evolve in order to align innovation and applicable jurisprudence.On the other hand, the technical entities that participate directly with the development and evolution of the EDUS are currently in the process of restructuring and strengthening, with the aim of impregnating a vision of the future, in accordance with institutional projections.
Law 9162 Single Digital Health Record establishes the declaration of public interest for the operation and sustainability phases of the Project. Likewise, the CCSS Digital File Regulation establishes the need to guarantee its sustainability. Hence, the CCSS continues with the implementation of solutions that allow modernizing and strengthening the provision of health services taking users as the center. There are also planned financial resources in the CCSS Investment Portfolio until 2022.Regarding the scalability of the EDUS App, new versions are periodically generated based on institutional needs, which allows increasing its functionality and scope gradually. In addition to the above, there is currently a portfolio with 32 initiatives and projects that have to be executed in the next 4 years, with new information systems and functionalities that will strengthen the EDUS with new products and services.
THE EDUS APP enables the CCSS to have greater contact with the insured population, where the patient can directly receive information related to their health indicators; and represents a substantial boost in the subject of mobile health (mHealth in its terminology in English), this because not only is a tool being provided to facilitate the processes of providing services in a digital way, but also allows it to be ubiquitously with associated mobility, where information can be accessed from anywhere and at any time. The APP EDUS is considered an innovative project since it is an important effort of the CCSS for the Implementation of new modalities of health care; providing additional service to the population to improve control of their health; it enables the population to empower themselves in their health indicators and offers them a new way in which health services are provided; In addition to the above, this effort allows the integration of processes, procedures, equipment and technologies; through the implementation of innovative and comprehensive solutions, an efficient management of technology and the establishment of care alternatives beyond the hospital infrastructure; always under the principles of rationality, efficiency and effectiveness; In such a way that they respond to the health needs -current and future- of the Costa Rican population, to the integral vision of an organization, to the evaluation of health technologies, to the optimization of resources and to environmental, energy and financial sustainability. With this effort, the CCSS uses modern information technology and allows it to have new services such as those mentioned above. Additionally, the EDUS APP is a tool that is constantly updated and evolving in the search to provide more and better services;
Caja Costarricense del Seguro Social (CCSS)
Costa Rica — Government
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