"Innovadoras TIC” is a program created by Fundacion Cibervoluntarios that aims to promote and make visible the entrepreneurship and innovation capacity of women through ICT with practical examples and success cases of women who are making a difference in the STEAM field in Spain. www.innovadorasTIC.org also focuses on encouraging and improving, employment and entrepreneurship of women, especially women belonging to rural areas and vulnerable groups. A very important part of the goals is to showcase references of entrepreneurial and innovative women, who use technology to improve their integration at a personal, social and / or work level, and also to create campaigns that bring these references to the younger generations and help eliminate stereotypes about women, technology and entrepreneurship. “Innovadoras TIC” is organized by Fundación Cibervoluntarios, a pioneering organization in technological volunteering. Since 2001, Fundación Cibervoluntarios has promoted programs focused on digital transformation with social impact, expanding the rights, opportunities and capacities of thousands of people in situations of digital vulnerability through the use and knowledge of all kinds of technological tools and Digital Competences. Cibervoluntarios.org works with a network of 1,800 cybervolunteers and collaborates with more than 900 national and international entities and organizations. Our mission is to ensure that all people have, equally, the opportunity to access, know and use technologies as a means to improve any aspect of their lives. With all our activities we reach 60,000 people annually. Thanks to thes 20 years trajectory Fundación Cibervoluntarios has been recognized by the Financial Times as one of the “100 entities that lead the Digital Transformation in Europe”.
04 January 2015
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From Fundación Cibervoluntarios we wanted to scale “Innovadoras TIC” from the national level to the European level, which led us to create “EITIC EU”. EITIC wants to promote and show the good practices of innovative women entrepreneurs from vulnerable groups and / or rural areas in Different countries of the European Union, by capacity building and training of all kinds of digital tools and services at their disposal in order to generate opportunities and stimulate the development of new and alternative solutions for unemployment and entrepreneurship, from local to global. In short, make visible the technological leadership of gender by promoting an accurate image of the innovative and entrepreneurial capacities of women.This project is carried out thanks to the collaboration and networking of the Fundación Cibervoluntarios(Spain) , The European Center for Women and Technology (Norway)- ECWT, IAL Nazionale - Innovazione Apprendimento Lavoro (Italy) and Metodo Studii Consultanta Romania SRL. This initiative has created different training materials and a mentoring guide, which focus on the possibilities and digital tools for various forms of employment (entrepreneurship, self-employment, job search, etc.). To test both materials, training pilots have been carried out in the 4 partner countries (Spain, Italy, Norway and Romania) in which 172 women participated. See all the results at https://eitic.innovadorastic.org
Innovadoras TIC offers the possibility of building Agenda 2030 within the reach of citizens in a simple, sustainable and replicable way: Involving local communities in a direct way in initiatives to promote more innovative and Entrepreneur Women in Europe. With tools and online methodology that can be replicated in different languages and the possibility of carrying out activities remotely with digital training.
With this initiative we want to highlight that development of ICTs provides enormous opportunities for women, who should be an integral part of, and key actors, in the Information Society. We are committed to ensuring that the Information Society enables women's empowerment and their full participation on the basis of equality in all spheres of society and in all decision-making processes. To this end, we should mainstream a gender equality perspective and use ICTs as a tool to that end.
Fundación Cibervoluntarios
Spain — International Organization
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