This project harnesses ICTs to foster the socio-economic development of women and girls in areas of education, health and employability in order to enabling them to participate in the decision-making process and play effective role in developing their communities.The project Pillars are:• Employability: Increasing self-employment and income generation opportunities by inspiring women and girls to lead entrepreneurial promising life with high impacts towards improving their communities.• Health: Enhancing women and girls’ health by bringing professional health services at their doorstep using advanced technologies such as the “Telemedicine solution” and “the Women Mobile Health Unit”.• Education and Knowledge: as education is the passport to any real development the project enhanced the educational services through:o The “Illiteracy Eradication solution” a simple, self-based, interactive computer tutorial includes topics in fields of health, education, political rights, family care, and the environment.o The “Tabluter” is a customized ergonomic embedded computers on a tableya that runs for four independent users. it reaches out girls and women in their own homes and teach them how to read and write in Arabic.o The mobile IT Club Supporting the community developmental efforts through constructing buses which are constructed to provide advocacy campaigns and specialized training programs.o Women and child portal that Supports the creation of knowledge society through exchanging their information, experiences, and knowledge. • Networking & Integration: Establishing vital network of all stakeholders and participants to integrate the above interventions.The project main results are institutional development of 400 NGOs, knowledge management and educational services to 1.5 M women and girls, health services to 1260 beneficiaries, MSMEs, Entrepreneurial, and vocational capacities to around 75000. These direct results are indirectly transferred to 1200 NGOs and 3 Million beneficiaries nationwide.
The project is replicated twice before being sustained by the community and expanded nationwide.Phase I (2007-2012) was implemented in Siwa that is located in the far west of Egypt with around 14000 women and girls. the project conducted the education, knowledge management, health, and entrepreneurship components successfully the way that grasped the attention of more partnerships for replication.Phase II (2013-2015) was replicated in Nubia that is located in the far south of Egypt with around 50,000 inhabitants, 50% are females. The project team upgraded the model components, for example, in the Education and knowledge component, a new version of the illiteracy eradication CDs were upgraded using the latest multimedia technologies and modern themes. In the Employability, a set of entrepreneurial workshops were delivered to secondary schools’ girls. Moreover, the Info Lady model was innovated to link between the elder professional handicrafts women and the younger talented girls who are easily uses technologies. The project team selected the entrepreneurial women/girls who can lead other handicrafts women, search and download new designs and colors, promote the products using social media pages and selling platforms, handle workshops to solve local community problems, and network with other Info ladies to continuously upgrade the model.In health, the telemedicine solution, which provides better access to medical diagnosis through remote professional consultations, was enhanced in terms of more accurate health kits and wider set of experts and healthcare associations who communicate with the local doctors in remote areas and provide better patients' diagnoses. Not to mention increasing and improving the quality, speeds of delivering healthcare services and activates the use of e-learning mechanism in building the capacity of general practitioners in Nubia.Recently the project was scaled up by the MCIT on the national level in 2018 and adapted by Aswan and Assiut in 2019 through signed protocols.
Since the end of the first phase, the project was sustained and scaled up nationwide. As we believe in the following five main factors that achieved leadership and sustainability:1. Building mutual trust: the most important thing is to build mutual trust with the partners and beneficiaries. The project depends on its professionalism, and communications channels, documentary success stories in grapping stakeholders’ attentions, building mutual trust, involving them along the project. 2. Community ownership: beneficiaries share in designing and evaluating the project, as the active local NGOs and leaders who are responsible for designing, implementing, and evaluating the results. We take into consideration building the institutional and individual capacities to ensure their leadership in continuing the project activities even after the project lifetime.3. Return of Investment (RoI): to maximize the befits of the project results, we involve the RoI mechanism on our components. For example patients who prefer to use the telemedicine diagnoses pays extra 15 pounds, equals 1$. Also, the train of trainer done with local NGOs’ staff, so they continue delivering the training using cost-recovery model to ensure the financial sustainability of the project.4. Responsible exit: the process of selecting the most active NGOs, our ambassadors, building their institutional capacities, equipping them with strategic management, communications, and Monitoring and evaluation tools. Where we run the project in 2-3 stages. The local NGOs are involved in the first pilot stage and according to their maturation they are involved in the 2nd stage. While at the 3rd, we just supervise and the local NOGs run the whole stage. So that when the project ends, we are sure of their capacities to continuously sustain the project activities. 5. Research and Development (R&D): The R&D unit at the MCIT studies the international trends and developing adapted local solutions. And raise the awareness among our stakeholders on periodic events.
The project adapted the WSIS values that are aligned with the SDGs and Egypt 2030 strategy. In this regard, the project targeted women and girls with special focus on females with disabilities and who lives in remote and rural areas. Moreover, the project ensured effective participation of all stakeholders, built the institutional capacities of both beneficiaries and partners NGOs taking into account the special needs, customs and traditions of local communities in order to encourage the full participation of women and girls. In additions, the project has many portals including , , , and as well as social media pages including and that are used to promote the project values by both the project and the community members. Moreover, the project shared in more than 40 events (7 events in 2019) to expand the champions of women and girls and best practices. Furthermore, working with governance models for the development of the solutions as partnership with ministry of health and ministry of higher education hospitals in applying the telemedicine solutions for serving women and children especially in rural areas. Another aspect is applying for integrated services in a rural community as in siwa oasis and southern borders in Nubia that include: education services, health telemedicine services and youth employment solutions.
Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT)
Egypt — Government
International Organizations: - United Nations Development Program (UNDP) - Arab Women Organization (AWO) - World Health Organization (WHO) Donors: - Debt Swap Program, Italian cooperation - Arab Gulf Fund (AGFUND) - Vodafone Foundation Government: - Ministry of Information and Communications Technology (MCIT) - Ministry of social solidarity (MoSS) - Ministry of Education (MoE) - Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) - Ministry of Health (MoH) - Aswan Government - Assiut Government - The Egyptian Post - Micro, Small, Medium Enterprise Development Association (MEMSEDA) - National council for women, NCW Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): - More than 25 local NGOs (such as Magdy Yakoub Foundation, Siwa Association, and Al Gassem Association) Private Sector: - Howaa Magazine “Eve Magazine” - Yat Training Center Local Communities: - More than 2 million beneficiaries.
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