Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2023 Nominee

Asynchronous Data Exchange


ADEX is a centralised, self-service data exchange platform for the whole-of-government and local business entities to share and receive lightweight, real-time data securely. Agencies can look forward to making better, real-time decisions based on up-to-date information with ADEX.

The problem is: Data is everywhere, but often existing in silos. Government agencies can overcome the burden posed by inefficient, non-updated information transfers with ADEX’s real-time, asynchronous fire-and-forget data transfer. The agencies can simply use ADEX by enrolling as a Publisher to provide data or Subscriber to consume data via a self-service platform.

1. Cost Savings
If agencies build their own data exchange platform instead of using ADEX, that will duplicate effort and cost resources that can be diverted for better use. Capex cost avoidance of ~$5M per agency.

2. Productivity Improvement
Compared to one-to-one direct connection, data provider reduces 60% of effort spent (setup 1 time instead of 3 times) if there are 3 data consumers to be onboarded. Also, time saving of ~2-12 months as agency does not need to build their own data exchange.

3. Scalability Benefits
Agency only needs a one-time setup connection to get started. Subsequent consumption of new topics does not require any additional setup to be done.

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C2. Information and communication infrastructure 2023
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 3: Good health and well-being
  • Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure

  • Singapore, Singapore



Start date

March 2020

End date

Not set


This project is sustained through the Government Reinvestment Fund and cost recovery efforts.

WSIS values promotion

1. ADEX supports secured cross-zone data transfers between government agencies & local business entities, so this G2B/B2G partnership can be strengthened to deliver better experiences to citizens. 2. ADEX is capable of connecting all whole-of-government systems and sub-systems through the use of connectors/adaptors so that there can be seamless data flow within WOG. When the community is able to interact with the Singapore government as One Government instead of separate Singapore government agencies, departments and ministries, the citizens experience better services and faster responses for situations reported. 3. For example, the National Environment Agency can better engage and inform stakeholders with publication of updated environmental topics like rainfall, temperature, wind speed, wind direction, PSI and PM2.5. It also permits cross-agency innovations and collaborations within the government such as the sharing and publications of enforcement data for COVID-19 response efforts in ensuring social distancing measures to participating agencies between the Ministry of Health and Home Team Science and Technology Agency. 4. Through the agency engagement sessions between the ADEX team and stakeholders, they introduced new possibilities for agencies to re-engineer their existing business processes and revamp their monolithic, legacy systems (using file transfer protocol for batched updates) and replace with lightweight microservices and applications (using ADEX for real-time updates). Hence, ADEX is modernising the way that data sharing is being conducted in the WOG, uplifting one agency at a time.

Entity name

Government Technology Agency (GovTech)

Entity country—type

Singapore Government

Entity website