Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2023 Nominee

"Internet + Education" big data platform


The "Internet + Education" big data platform is a one-stop office-school integration platform for the Department of Education/bureau based on education informatization 2.0. Based on the dual middle and middle platforms of smart education, it integrates application and data and provides eight application services for education administrators, teachers and students, including precision teaching, education management, campus safety, teacher research and education, and education evaluation. We will address problems such as uneven education development, data silos, and difficulties in pooling high-quality resources, and help upgrade the model of education service supply and education governance.

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C7. E-learning 2023
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 4: Quality education

  • China



Start date

September 2018

End date

December 2023

Target beneficiary group(s)
  • Youth


The construction of this project meets the overall requirements of the current national and regional education informatization to promote the balanced development of education, improve the quality of education and teaching, strengthen the prevention and control of education safety, promote the construction of education informatization, and solve the problems of education informatization in weak schools, teaching points and village small schools in rural and remote mountainous areas. It is of positive significance to improve the educational management service level of Haba River and the campus security prevention and control ability. In the fields of information construction, electronic education and teaching, education management and management, the domestic technology conditions have been very mature at present. The operation and management experience mode of the education industry information project can be used for reference and replicable, and the technology and management are completely feasible. The design is generally comprehensive.


During the implementation of the project plan, we will constantly promote and train schools, teachers and students in all regions to use our platform to create high-quality and distinctive teaching courseware, teaching content and teaching courses. These resources can be shared with teachers and students who need them without space limitation through our platform. In this way, teachers and students in remote and poor areas can share high-quality education resources, narrow the gap between regions, urban and rural areas, and between schools, improve the quality of education, and promote education equity.

We build platforms for schools, districts, counties, cities and provinces to provide education services for millions of teachers and students. At the same time, we hold various activities and incentive models to encourage teachers and students to use the platform. In the process of use, high-quality resources are deposited into the platform resources and shared with users in need, so as to keep the system active and realize the co-construction and sharing of high-quality resources on the platform. Ensure the benign operation of the platform.

The state and the government support education

3)The country has pointed out the need to build an Internet + big data education platform

4)Other types of sustainable development
Ngos and projects come in all shapes and sizes. Thus, in addition to platform, funding and organizational sustainability, there are many other areas where ngos can achieve sustainability. For some types of ngos, this also includes:

Business sustainability: The project will generate financial revenue or profit and continue to rely on labor income to provide services.

Environmental sustainability: Projects use resources in such a way that needed resources never disappear.

WSIS values promotion

"Internet + Education" includes digital libraries, data centers, digital learning tools, etc. Communication technologies can promote education popularization, realize education equity, provide quality learning and teaching environment, improve professional standards, improve lifelong learning conditions, and tap the potential of people without formal education through educational communication and teacher training. Informationization helps to achieve universal education worldwide.

Entity name

China Telecommunications Corporation

Entity country—type

China Private Sector

Entity website