Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2022 Nominee

COVID-19 Tracker with localized content


It is basically a web based data / information collection system that shows the collected data through maps. It collects information on corona virus infections from reliable and world-renowned portals or systems. The data / information collected here is open to everyone. It exposes API (Application Programming Interface) to be integrated with external systems, and it’s connected to the National e-Service Bus platform. Therefore, any other system or organization (if needed) can get updated information on Corona virus infections in real-time. The main purpose of this system is to ensure authentic information delivery for the citizens of the country. Salient Features: • User Interface in Bangla • Collects Data from authenticated National/International sources (,, • Focuses Bangladesh statistics at default page loading • View comparison & statistics of multiple countries in chart/graphically • Search facility in Bangla/English • Refreshes automatically in every 5-10 minutes • Facility to view full screen map, bubble map and change map legends • It provides mobile friendly view also • Option to search, sort, filter and export data from tabular format ICT State minister inaugurated the tracker on 20 Apr 2020. I has so far got 3,40,000+ page visits and it has been shared in social networks 10,000+ times. Some local organizations are using it’s API for different needs.

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C3. Access to information and knowledge
  • AL C7. E-science 2022
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 3: Good health and well-being
  • Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
  • Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals

  • Bangladesh



Start date


End date

Not set

WSIS values promotion

It’s the FIRST EVER Map based graphical COVID 19 Tracker in Bangla Language. It DOESN’T track covid symptoms or suspected cases, it tracks covid infections/contagion related data. It uses following tools/technologies - 1. Java based Web Application 2. HTML5 3. Node.js 4. JSON 5. Map and Chart tools As it provides authentic and reliable data and information, there many peoples and citizens of Bangladesh who visit the site regularly. We observe 7000-8000 page visits on each day. Also, Provides domestic organizations or citizens with the ability to view data on Corona infections and to prepare various reports and use it for other useful purposes. It also enables individuals or organizations to make policy-making decisions with the help of relevant information. It shows up-to-date information from reliable and world-renowned information sources and makes those usable. The Tracker presents authentic information to the people of the country quickly. ESRI Bangladesh has contacted us showing interest to assist us to extend COVID 19 tracker. Some local freelancers have shown interest to develop iOS /Android app based on the tracker. Wikipaedia Bangladesh has mentioned URL of the tracker as an information source in it’s article related to covid 19. As the tracker provides Covid infections info of different countries, so it can be used internationally.

Entity name

Bangladesh Computer Council

Entity country—type

Bangladesh Government

Entity website