Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2022 Nominee

Technology applied to sport 2021

Adaptations in pandemic period


The ULP Open Campus has its own biomechanics department, whose purpose is the constant evaluation of athletes. It has national and international level equipment that allows the execution of high quality protocols for all athletes. Before, only the athletes chosen to integrate the different national teams had the possibility of accessing an evaluation of this magnitude at CeNARD, Buenos Aires. With the creation of the Biomechanics Department, all San Luis athletes can be evaluated and enhance their performance, without having to travel hundreds of kilometers or pay high costs for the execution of evaluations of similar characteristics. Due to the Covid 19 pandemic that we have to go through, an evaluation protocol was created, adapting them to the suggestions issued by the Provincial Crisis Committee, in order to continue providing this service to athletes.
The main objectives of the Biomechanics Department are:
1- Comprehensive evaluation of all athletes in the province: The success of any sports process lies in planning and periodizing training sessions, having "evaluations" as a starting point.
2 - Creation of a database: it is the first at the national level, since there are no background records of such magnitude. All the results of the evaluations are treated statistically in order to establish standards or criteria, and in this way help athletes and/or coaches to interpret the data, improve their sports planning.
3- Scientific research based on the data collected: In the sports field, constant research is essential for the generation of new knowledge.
4- Accessibility to the results of the tests: Connectivity and inclusion are priority policies at the provincial level.
The next objective is to incorporate the results to the San Luis portal where the evaluated athletes and their coaches will have access to the information online, counting for this with CIPE 3.0 and Internet access. This puts athletes on the outskirts of the city on equal terms with those who live in it.

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C4. Capacity building
  • AL C7. E-health
  • AL C7. E-science 2022
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 5: Gender equality
  • Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • Goal 10: Reduced inequalities

  • Argentina



Start date

03 September 2018

End date

Not set

Target beneficiary group(s)
  • Youth
  • Women
  • The unemployed
  • The poor
  • Remote and rural communities


Every project framed in public management must be accessible so that it can be implemented in any part of the country that requires it. In the case of sports evaluations, as a starting point in the athlete's development process, they are essential from the training stage to the level of excellence. In this sense, joint strategies at local and provincial levels are planned and projected with a view to the implementation of new spaces that meet the requirements established for said purpose. Launching new sports evaluation laboratories involves developing projects framed by the same objective in order to be able to replicate and perfect the spaces for control and monitoring, both in person and virtually, applying the protocols established for each task. With the international standardization of tests, the certification of measurement tools and elements as well as the technology used not only for field work but also for biomechanical analysis through videos and the use of new applications and software, the project can be implemented under equal conditions in any related institution or entity willing to invest in the aforementioned.


The process carried out in the Biomechanics Department (data collection by testing athletes, their statistical processing and issuing reports) is carried out without using resources that produce waste. In this way we ensure that we comply with sustainable development standards, promoting the use of materials and energy for the provision of our service and eliminating the presence of residues and waste. Thus, we meet our present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

WSIS values promotion

San Luis is a digital state, connectivity is free throughout its provincial territory. Its main indicators are: +95% internet penetration that connects all locations from 20 inhabitants (places, towns and cities). +1,652 Wi-Fi antennas ( where more than 97% are connected by optical fiber to the “Information Highway” network. +4,500 km of urban (1,100) and interurban (3,400) optical fibers. Backbone with the best technology currently available that acts as the backbone of the communications network of the province of San Luis and that could support 50% of the current Internet traffic in Argentina. 25 Mbps average connection speed in San Luis homes that connect to the largest free public Wi-Fi network in the world. +165,000 NFC-enabled devices delivered free of charge to children, retirees, teachers, health and safety personnel. 40 locations with FTTx technology that enables speeds of 1Gbps at any connection point to the “Information Highway” network. +3,500 indoor Wi-Fi antennas with optical fiber connection in the fields of education, health, security and public administration of the provincial state. +300 dedicated telecommunications services that strengthen the province's industrial, agricultural, livestock, services and tourism sectors. All of the above described, optimizes the process of sports evaluations carried out in the biomechanics laboratory, also allows the reduction, even elimination, of many obstacles related to time, distance and access to be evaluated, enhancing the benefits for the entire sports community. provincial. We believe that science plays a leading role in the progress of humanity, which is why we are committed to generating scientific knowledge with the database obtained in the evaluations, in order to promote continuous evolution in the sports field.

Entity name

Universidad de La Punta (ULP)

Entity country—type

Argentina Academia

Entity website