Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2022 Nominee

World Migration Report Interactive


The World Migration Report (WMR) Interactive is a digital platform that draws on key data in IOM's biennial flagship report series of more than two decades and presents the latest report edition (2022) in a visually engaging and interactive way. The microsite increases the utility and accessibility of the report's analytical content by making it possible for anyone interested in migration to interact with the data to identify key migration trends and patterns quickly and easily - and then access additional information in the full (pdf) report. This digital platform is meeting the growing need for digestible, accurate and balanced information on this salient topic of migration. The Report's Interactive platform has received very positive feedback from target audiences and stakeholders, including requests to present the platform at webinars and on expert panels. This webpage has also been used by key partners, such as the World Economic Forum and International Baccalaureate, including by integrating the platform in collaborative initiatives, such as the World Migration Educators' Toolkit (with IB) for teachers all around the world. The Report Interactive was recognized in the 2021 International Annual Report Design Awards (gold and silver in two categories) and the 2021 iNOVA Awards.

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C3. Access to information and knowledge 2022
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 10: Reduced inequalities

  • International



Start date

November 2020

End date

May 2021


The project is sustainable. The robust contents of the Interactive are drawn directly from the long-standing flagship report itself, which is written by IOM experts in partnership with leading migration academics from around the world, and peer-reviewed by IOM and academics experts. The interactive’s infrastructure and design are already in place and going forward, the platform will only need to be periodically updated with the latest data and information on migration. Moreover, some members of the interactive’s development team, including those in IOM’s Online Communications Unit, have received training from an external specialist consultant who spearheaded the technical and implementation aspects of the interactive. The training was done to ensure that IOM has the technical know-how to update and sustain the project over the long-term.

WSIS values promotion

The World Migration Report Interactive is designed to ensure that anyone needing facts about international migration – be it media professionals (including journalists, fact-checkers, social media platforms), researchers, teachers/students, practitioners, policymakers, and the general public – can freely access and use the platform. In doing so, the microsite promotes a range of WSIS’ values and aims, including ensuring that everyone can benefit from the opportunities that ICTs bring. By leveraging the power of ICTs, IOM has built a tool that presents data and information on migration in a way that is engaging, user-friendly and available to anyone interested in this topic. A platform such as this is especially timely given the significance of international migration and the need for balanced and accurate information to counter disinformation about migration and migrants. Further, as part of efforts to reach as wide an audience as possible and to increase accessibility, this platform is available in IOM’s 3 official languages – English, French and Spanish – promoting WSIS’ values in regard to linguistic diversity and to the creation, dissemination and preservation of content in diverse languages and formats.

Entity name

International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Entity country—type

Switzerland International Organization

Entity website