Project Details

AI Repository Project

WSIS Prizes Contest 2021 Champion

FIE20: Groundwater and meteo sensors


The FIE 20 solution utilizes weather forecast and weather model data for visualization of weather forecast on given locality for 7- and 14-days period. It provides visualization of weather model data corrected by measurements to provide information about the current situation in the locality. Long-time series of weather data in combination with current forecasts are used for analyses supporting interventions planning - namely soil trafficability, sowing and spraying windows, frost risk prediction, crop weather risk etc. Deep learning methods are used in the background of these weather data analyses. The last mile application of the FIE20 solution is a web map application based on the HTML and Javascript utilizes open-source web mapping library HSLayers NG for spatial data visualization. This web map application contains the main map window visualizing available spatial data and geometrical results of analyses and additional portlets for sensor data visualization and interface for individual analytical functions.

The FIE20 solution as an integrated application was developed in the last 2 years, but some individual components and services used by the FIE20 solution were developed during previous projects and activities in the last 5 years and was integrated in FOODIE Innovation Hub. This Hub was used for experimentation. Sensor data management is realized by utilization of the SensLog solution that is developed by a team of several entities for more than 10 years.
The FIE20 solution was presented in several workshops during the running period of the experiment in several stages of development. We were collecting feedback by asking users to fill in questionnaires. These results from questionnaires were used for the application improvements and adding further functions users would like to have. Most of the responders have mentioned the advantage of availability of data and analytical functions in one web application and variability of the solution to be adopted to the needs of particular farmers.

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C3. Access to information and knowledge
  • AL C4. Capacity building
  • AL C5. Building confidence and security in use of ICTs
  • AL C6. Enabling environment
  • AL C7. E-business
  • AL C7. E-environment 2021
  • AL C7. E-agriculture
  • AL C7. E-science
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 2: Zero hunger
  • Goal 3: Good health and well-being
  • Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
  • Goal 13: Climate action

  • Czech Republic
  • Germany
  • Latvia



Start date


End date


Target beneficiary group(s)
  • Remote and rural communities


The innovative aspect of the FIE20 solution is mainly represented by integration of various data from different providers in one web map application together with analytical functionalities and tools provided by different platforms and DIHs. Sensor data are downloaded to the central data storage in harmonized data model from different data providers infrastructures and interfaces. These integrated sensor data are provided by a set of web services to other components of the solution or by standardized interface based on the OGC SensorThingsAPI specification to other third parties components. Copernicus programme products are utilized for analyses on regional and field level, not only visualization of time-series of vegetation indices are provided, but these EO data are used for analytical functions. On regional level, differences of vegetation indices during the growing season are regularly calculated and visualized in form of charts. Characteristics of fields in the locality from the yield productivity aspect are calculated from the long-term series of satellite data. These characteristics are utilized for calculations of application maps during vegetation seasons. Utilization of weather forecast and weather model data for analytical functions providing predictions is supporting interventions planning on farms. The FIE20 solution supports sustainability of agriculture by several aspects, but mainly by efficiency of resource consumptions. Utilization of fields characteristics based on long-term EO data provides data source for calculations of variable application maps for application of pesticides and fertilizations. Calculation of yield productivity zones provides input for effective application of fertilizers on additive or compensatory methods. Utilization of short-term EO data in combination with weather forecast provides supporting information for intervention planning in next few days.


Smallholder farmers are the target group as well as larger farms. The FIE20 solution is designed as a modular solution where the main components are mainly built based on open-source software and services. Additional functionality of the solution can be extended by utilization of charged services and datasets. The main idea of the FIE20 solution is to build a complete solution based on open source services and open datasets that is scalable from small farmers up to large enterprises covering several regions. The FIE20 solution can integrate paid services ordered by the farmer as an additional component or services used by the farmer in different systems. The design of the FIE20 solution allows to integrate further components in future oriented on the small farmers. Especially, there are components developed by partners of the project that allows integration of agriculture machinery monitoring data and producing variable rate application maps utilized by machinery.

WSIS values promotion

Category 3 – Agriculture innovations systems and sustainable farming 21. E-agriculture Ensure the systematic dissemination of information using ICTs on agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries, forestry and food, in order to provide ready access to comprehensive, up-to-date and detailed knowledge and information, particularly in rural areas.

Entity name

Baltic Open Solutions Center, Ltd.

Entity country—type

Latvia Private Sector

Entity website