Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2020 Nominee

The CEPIS DiversIT Charter


The DiversIT Charter is a roadmap and structured programme of activities that IT Associations, Companies, Educational Establishments and other bodies (hereafter called ‘organisations’) can take to establish a supporting environment for Women in IT professions. The activities are in three main stages (Bronze, Silver and Gold) with themes of activity at each stage. Signatories to the charter commit to engage in with the charter and undertake the activities of each stage in order to progress their work on gender diversity in IT. The successive steps or stages are outlined within the DiversIT Charter supporting documentation and progressively allow organisations to build support for attracting and retaining women working in technology roles. The key themes are: • Creating a women’s group • Activity in support of Women Organisation • Actions to increase the number of female role models • Monitoring Activities for insight • Working Links to other associations groups and Academia • Activities to increase the numbers of girls / young women in technology • KPIs to drive activity. The concept allows for best practice to flow from countries where there is currently much activity for attracting and retaining women in IT to those countries where less has been done to date.

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C3. Access to information and knowledge
  • AL C11. International and regional cooperation 2020
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 5: Gender equality

  • Western Europe and North America



Start date


End date

Not set

Target beneficiary group(s)
  • Women


We are replicating the work of associations and companies across Europe. The whole aim of the DiversIT Charter is to offer a roadmap of activities which bring together the best practices of organisations acrros the greater Europe in support of attracting and retaining more women in IT.


The DiversIT Charter is a roadmap and structured programme of activities that various organisations (be it associations, companies, academy, public administration,) can take to establish a supporting environment for Women in IT professions. The actions are in three main stages (Bronze, Silver and Gold) with themes of activity at each stage. Signatories to the charter commit to engage in with the charter and undertake the necessary activities which will progressively allow their organisations to build support for women working in technology roles. Whilst this in itself is not unique or innovative we believe our innovation comes from: 1. Handing the whole DiversIT Charter to Professional IT Organisations or Associations in country who have reached Gold Level. In this way, we will get the benefit of having multiple marketeers of the Charter who in themselves have a vested interest in the success of the charter with their member companies and organisations. In this way we will be communicating the message about roles for women in tech to girls, parents, women and industry leaders. 2. Organisations being asked to monitor their own situation against a set of KPIs which we believe will provide sustainability 3. The whole aim of the charter matching the aims of the country professional IT associations to grow the numbers of people with IT skills in country 4. Providing a great way to share and propagate best practice across the greater Europe.

WSIS values promotion

• ICTs for all • Gender • To ensure that more than half the world’s inhabitants have access to ICTs within their reach.

Entity name

Council of European Professional Informatics Societies (CEPIS)

Entity country—type

Belgium Private Sector

Entity website


The current signatories to the DiversIT Charter number 15+ and include the British Computer Society, The Icelandic Computer Society, The Irish Computer Society etc. The list of signatories to the charter can again be made available, confidentially, by the CEPIS office.