Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2020 Nominee

African Digital Libraries to Enhance Access and the Safeguarding of African Scientific, Literary and Cultural Heritage


Book is the medium of transmission of knowledge par excellence as well as a vector of dissemination of information and culture. The availability of well-furnished libraries is a necessary component of access to knowledge and quality education. In Africa, the majority of cities, schools and universities do not have enough libraries or have insufficient documentation, especially regarding African contents.
For the last 10 years, NENA has been digitizing, saving and making accessible the African literary, scientific and cultural heritage for Africans and for the rest of the world, to ensure its transmission to future generations. More than 3,000 titles, in French and English, from more than 95 publishers on a variety of domains (literature, social sciences, law, youth, culture, etc.) are available.
The project is about providing digital libraries both online and offline with eReaders and mobile application. Digitization of African books and their regrouping into large digital libraries is the solution implemented by NENA to enhance access and the safeguarding of African scientific, literary and cultural heritage.

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C3. Access to information and knowledge
  • AL C11. International and regional cooperation 2020
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 4: Quality education

  • International



Start date


End date

Not set

Target beneficiary group(s)
  • Youth
  • Students (higher education); Pupils (primary and secondary); African Universities; Foreign Universities with African studies department; Professionals (Law, Economics, Accounting, Tax); Individuals lovers of African literature and culture.


From its conception, NENA's project is multilingual and pan-African. It can be replicated in any African country. The concept provides a fully operational solution that can be scaled up across Africa and ensure worldwide access to African contents.
Among the 95 publishers with whom NENA has signed co-publishing and/or diffusion contracts, many come from other African countries (Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Guinea, etc.) and Western countries (France, Switzerland, United Kingdom). NENA thus focus on retrospective digitization through partnerships with African publishing houses in order to help African publishers to digitize their catalogue, to make it accessible and to ensure its transmission to future generations.
NENA has agreements with publishers in Morocco and Benin to set up their own national digital bookstore where NENA digital books will be rebroadcasted with more local content. By doing so we enable the implementation of a pan-African network of African digital libraries.
NENA implemented an innovative mixed Business model based on subscription and one-to-one ebook sale or borrowing which allows authors and publishers to have a minimum of guaranteed income even if they do not make sales.


NENA is since 2008 the pioneer and probably the only digital publisher in Africa specialized in African contents. The viability of the project is based on the fact that during the last 10 years NENA has been digitizing, saving and making accessible the African scientific and cultural heritage for Africans and for the rest of the world. More than 3,000 titles, in French and English, from more than 95 African publishers on a variety of domains (literature, social sciences, law, youth, culture) are available on our platform. This includes 150 audiobooks.
This concept encompasses a triple system of diffusion: first in an e-commerce platform specially dedicated to African publications, second in online and offline digital libraries, and third in nearly 90% of the worldwide eBook stores including (Amazon, Apple eBook store, FNAC, Didactibook, Barne & Nobles, etc.).
The project demonstrates that it is economically, socially and environmentally sustainable. The subscription business model allows free access to certain end-users (students, learners) with a cost supported by the community or institution’s subscribers. The concept contributes to enhancing access to information and knowledge, especially in rural areas. For instance, it is now possible for schools to install a digital library, which is adapted to the curriculum, faster and at a lower cost than traditional libraries. The digitization of contents reduces the use of paper as well as the transportation costs.

WSIS values promotion

As a social enterprise, our core values are responsibility, solidarity and integrity. The concept and the activities of NENA are in line with the WSIS values and sustainable development goals (SDGs). The vision of the project is one school or university = one digital library with all the publications of knowledge and imagination written by Africans. Amadou Hampathé BA one of the greatest African writers and thinkers said: «In Africa when an old man dies, it is a library burning”. Our motto is inspired by this statement because we would have like to answer him: With NENA’s digital libraries, no more African libraries will disappear. NENA's contribution to the WSIS action lines and SDG’s are clearly identified through our mission (1), our business model (2) and our achievements (3), (see additional information).

Entity name

Nouvelles Editions Numériques Africaines (NENA)

Entity country—type

Senegal Private Sector

Entity website