Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2020 Nominee

Malaysian Government Public Key Infrastructure



The Malaysian Public Key Infrastructure (MyGPKI) Project is a PKI technology-based security service provided centrally by MAMPU as the lead entity for the public sector agencies. The project, which was initiated in 2002 was embarked to ensure that security objectives namely confidentiality, integrity and availability is fulfilled while preserving the safety of government ICT applications used by civil servants in performing variety of daily transactions. It provides the identity authentications and verifications, data encryption and decryption as well as digital signature (to ensure non-repudiation) through the issuance of digital certificates which consists of user and server digital certificates (Secure Sockets Layer – SSL). In addition, the MyGPKI service also offers advisory and consultancy services to the MyGPKI users from government agencies regarding the management of the digital certificates embedded through mediums such as physical security tokens, software and roaming certificates.
After 17 years of implementation, MyGPKI has successfully elevated the level of confidence of more than 100,000 current users in using online application systems by an increase of 600% and the number of transactions trifold from 300 to 1300 per day. Thus, it can be concluded that GPKI has built a secure ICT foundation for a sustainable growth of a country’s economy, which aligned with one of the sustainable development goals of WSIS (Goal no. 9).

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C5. Building confidence and security in use of ICTs 2020
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure

  • Malaysia



Start date

03 November 2017

End date

31 December 2020


The MyGPKI system can be integrated with other govt ICT applications to ensure that the security aspect of the application is becoming more secured than before.
The policy of MyGPKI services is always reviewed and changed if required to ensure that it is still relevant with the current security environment and regulations.

The implementation of MyGPKI is very cost-beneficial and it is one of the factors that will support several initiatives of the country such as introducing the National Digital ID as well as to expand the mobile apps technology to an advanced stage.
The MyGPKI service is always open to any types of collaborations with other innovations and creations from other countries in order to make it more robust and difficult to be attacked by illegal person or entity.

Awareness and Hands-on Training, Seminars and Change Management Programs regarding the use of the GPKI service are always held annually for the purpose of sustaining the knowledge and skills among the users from different government agencies. It can also be held as a refresher training session to ensure that every user will have the opportunity to learn more and maintain their understanding on the usage of the GPKI service.

WSIS values promotion

The security functions of MyGPKI is one of the important factors that promotes and influences user to be more confident in implementing government digital transactions. The more secured the service, the more reliable and confident it will be for the users to perform transactions without any doubts at all. Every MyGPKI users do need to equipped themselves with the current information and developments especially on the ICT security issues or trends to sustain as well as improve the level of knowledge among them. During the seminars, hands-on training and change management programs regarding the MyGPKI service held by MAMPU annually, there will be several ICT security technology updates provided to educate the MyGPKI users from different government agencies on matters concerning the importance of making ICT security an important priority in their daily life. By organizing the seminars, training and change management programs quite frequently every year, it will ensure that the community of MyGPKI users is well-versed with the latest information on security innovations and technologies being developed for the benefit of future generations. Furthermore, MyGPKI team will periodically distribute softcopies of infomercials to the MyGPKI community by email in order for the users to kept abreast with the current situation of the ICT security aspect such as the security issues for the internet of things (IoT), big data, 5G technology, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), cloud computing, blockchain and the quantum technology for future algorithms in cryptography.

Entity name

Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU)

Entity country—type

Malaysia Government

Entity website


Accredited and Licensed Certification Authorities (CA) and National Registration Department