The Government of Qatar announced the adoption of open government policy in 2014. Therefore, a project was initiated to establish an open data platform that would allow the agencies to release and manage their datasets as well as the recipients to discover and make use of the datasets at a single place in the most efficient manner.One of the four strategic thrusts of Qatar Digital Government (QDG) Strategy 2020 emphasizes promotion of open government and this is also outlined in one of the strategic objectives to increase government openness. This aligns with the UN SDG "Decent Work and Economic Growth" directly, and indirectly influences the achievement of other SDG's such as Sustainable Cities and Communities, Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, and Quality Education.The Open data portal launched in April 2019 will enable the government agencies in Qatar to readily publish the datasets in an open format ready usage of the datasets, thereby contributing to the achievement of the national goals. This will also enable the people, institutions and business to freely access the datasets that were previously not available.
April 2015
April 2019
To support other countries to have similar initiatives to increase government openness
To provide services and open data to others which help in sustainable development
Promote electronic publishing, differential pricing and open access initiatives to make information affordable and accessible on an equitable basis. Promote the long-term systematic and efficient collection, dissemination and preservation of essential digital data. Promote principles and metadata standards to facilitate cooperation and effective use of collected information and data as appropriate to conduct scientific research.
Ministry of Transport and Communications (MoTC)
Qatar — Government
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