Siberkreasi aims to enhance and strengthen positive impact of technology. We are supported by a group of people with a common heart and vision to promote digital literacy for a better Internet for all. We pursue our objectives with these 4Cs that are manifested in our groundbreaking programs:-Curriculum developmentWe initiate Pandu Digital ( or Digital Scout, which is designed to pave the way for digital literacy education. We also initiate School of Influencer which aims to encourage youths in order to make and spread positive contents.-Collaborative engagementWe bring together various groups who have contributed to the sustainability of digital literacy campaign. For example, we establish a website called (; to combat the spread of hoaxes and to clarify false information circulated on the Internet.- Community empowerment We develop a batik-producing village called Desa Mandhing, near Yogyakarta ( The community is taught to use technology for selling their craft and to use batik as a medium for digital literacy campaign. - Cyber Governance We took a substantial part in the national ID-IGF this November. Since those programs’ initiation in October 2017 until October 2019, we have achieved:- 442 locations that have been reached out for digital literacy programs - 3137 Digital Scouts that have been sworn in to be digital literacy volunteer - 180.000 active participant that have joined digital literacy workshop by Siberkreasi- 180.000 downloads on 73 book of Digital Literacy series that are available free for public- 75 millions of Indonesian populations have been disseminated through mainstream media and social mediaFor the last 2 years, we have generated more than 700 content creators (beginner & intermediate level). Moreover, from the post-event-survey, more than 30% respondents believe that they comprehend digitalization better.
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Our projects are clustered in to 2: onsite public dissemination projects and online public education projects. All projects from Siberkreasi is replicable because we provide open and comprehensive reference/syllabus which available online. Moreover, our projects are always inclusive, we involve our partners and various parties. Siberkreasi is also committed to support entities who want to do digital literacy activities in the respective region/cities.Onsite dissemination projects:Pandu Digital is a tiered model of digital literacy training presented by Siberkreasi. It covers many topics needed to survive in digital era. All of the substances, syllabus, and materials can be accessed in mid-2018, this program is adopted by the government in order to make a nationwide program. As the project goes on, it has covered for more than 25 events held, with more than 100 participants. For more information about the achievements of this adopted-project, everyone can check it out in Another project from Siberkreasi is School of Influencer. This project is implemented in workshop and seminars which is held in all over Indonesia.School of Influencer aims to encourage the youths to build positive content in the internet and to utilize the social media in a positive way.Furthermore, Siberkreasi also has one big annual event called Siberkreasi Netizen Fair, which consists of 3 main programs: workshop, conference, and music performance, and booths from our partners. This event usually invites ministers, public figures, ICT practitioners, etc as the keynote speakers. Online Public Education Projects:In addition to the on-site projects that we held, we also held dissemination through the social media. We actively sharing infographic, tips and tricks, news about digitalization, etc. Furthermore, Siberkreasi provide materials (books, videos, infographics) for independent teaching and learning on, all marked with Creative Commons (CC) license.
When talking about digital literacy in Indonesia, we have to consider 262 millions of its population who are scattered in 17.000 islands and are speaking 740 languages. It is impossible to reach them without involving local talents. Thus, we map out a plan of action by decentralizing resources, by building mutual cooperation and partnership among the stakeholders. Siberkreasi stands on the spirit of “gotong royong”—a strong community spirit where people help one another and each spur the others to exert themselves.We aim to not only educate people, but also empower them. As the movement touches many individuals and communities, we encourage them to do the same to their circles and surroundings. As with Pandu Digital, we would like to imitate and refine the pyramid scheme strategy often used in marketing. While with School of Influencer and Siberkreasi Netizen Fair, we would like to encourage youth to create and produce positive contents, and to spread positivity through the internet in order to overcome both information disorders and negative contents which now massively spread.After an individual finishing Pandu Digital training, they are given the badge based on their competency levels. The badge serves a function to make them more confident and eligible to forward the knowledge and empowering messages they got from training. At least, digital literacy could strive from the words of mouth. The sustainability of the project is also guaranteed by the abundance of teaching and learning materials available for free on
Our objectives to educate, empower, and provide high quality information are aligned with WSIS values category 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Siberkreasi would like to form a solid platform for people and multi-stakeholders to share responsibilities in reducing the negative impact of the Internet and empower the people to use internet positively. Moreover, we also aim to substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship. We keenly promote online protection (safeguard), fulfillment of rights, and people empowerment; in which incorporated in Indonesia Digital Literacy Framework. Based on the framework, we would like to provide an understanding of personal risks and online safety; to help ensuring that all Internet users are able to enjoy equal rights and freedom; as well as to enable citizens with entrepreneurship, journalism, and information ethics in order to thrive and survive on the Internet era. Siberkreasi also focus on promoting technological innovation for better economy. We conduct training and workshops for emerging MSMEs and people who aspire to be digital entrepreneurs.
Indonesia — Civil Society
Academia: Bina Nusantara University, Center for Digital Society (CfDS), Indonesian Digital Literacy Advocates Network (Japelidi). Civil Societies: Anti-Defamation Society of Indonesia (MAFINDO), End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography&Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes (ECPAT), ICT Volunteer (Relawan TIK), ICT Watch, The Good of Indonesia (; Governments: Indonesian Agency for Creative Economy (IACE), Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI), Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT), Ministry of State Secretariat, Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection (MoWECP); Private Sectors: Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association (APJII), Indonesian Telecommunications Providers Association (ATSI), Indosat Ooredoo, Telkomsel; Technical Communities: Indonesian Internet Domain Name Registry (PANDI), Internet Society (ISOC Indonesia);
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