Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2023 Nominee

South Atlantic Cable System (SACS)

Subsea Cable



The SOUTH ATLANTIC CABLE SYSTEM (SACS) went into commercial operation in September 2018. It was the first, high volume, ultra-low latency fibre optic cable to connect Africa to South America.

SACS has been designed with 100Gbps coherent WDM technology on an end-to-end solution. With 4 fiber pairs it offers a total design capacity of 40 Tbit/s between Fortaleza (Brazil) and Luanda (Angola).

Manufactured and powered by NEC Corporation, the SACS cable is one of the most advanced submarine telecommunications systems to go into commercial operation in the Southern Hemisphere.

Given the onward connections to the Monet cable system and the West African Cable System (WACS) and the potential to expand the network Eastwards, SACS not only opens the door for Africa and Brazil to meaningfully participate in the growing global digital economy but has the potential to connect East to West through a more direct routing.

For businesses to operate and for economies to flourish in the global digital economy, access to reliable connectivity and capacity is not just vital – it is essential.

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C2. Information and communication infrastructure 2023
  • AL C3. Access to information and knowledge
  • AL C4. Capacity building
  • AL C6. Enabling environment
  • AL C7. E-government
  • AL C7. E-business
  • AL C7. E-learning
  • AL C7. E-health
  • AL C7. E-employment
  • AL C7. E-environment
  • AL C7. E-agriculture
  • AL C7. E-science
  • AL C8. Cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content
  • AL C9. Media
  • AL C11. International and regional cooperation
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 2: Zero hunger
  • Goal 3: Good health and well-being
  • Goal 4: Quality education
  • Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
  • Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • Goal 10: Reduced inequalities
  • Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities

  • Angola
  • Brazil



Start date

February 2016

End date

September 2018

Target beneficiary group(s)
  • The unemployed
  • The poor
  • Remote and rural communities


Further subsea cables can be connected to expand the network, reach and impact of the technology to the benefit of other communities.


The technology and infrastructure has a full operational lifespan of over 25 years.

WSIS values promotion

The SACS Cable provides direct, low latency access to the global digital and gig economy. Users and beneficiaries connected to the cable or is related services will have direct access to the advantages of global data transfer and secure internet access.

Entity name

Angola Cables (AC)

Entity country—type

Angola Private Sector

Entity website