Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2019 Nominee

WAYFIS: Way Finding Seniors


The WAYFIS project aims at improving
the capability of seniors to plan, manage
and execute travel and transportation
projects at their own discretion by solving
the problems elderly people cope
with when trying to move in unknown
outdoor environments, thus enabling
them to take part in the self-serve society.

WAYFIS is the first route planning service
for older adults that considers both
the pedestrian and public transportation
mobility issues and that it is based on
the existence of a wide range of personalization
features, building up user
profiles, and that include the health limitations,
common behaviours and needs.
The process of way finding will have to
consider a variety of objectives regarding
the totality of the journey such as the following:
performing the minimum physical
activity; matching nutrition needs
and disease’s restrictions; avoiding
inaccessible routes, etc. WAYFIS project
will be based on the development
of a pilot to be tested by approximately
200 end-users.
First estimations of time to market (that
may be modified after receiving users’
feedback) let us plan a needed period
of 15 months after the finalization of the
project for the development of the first
ready to market service.

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C2. Information and communication infrastructure 2019
  • AL C7. E-health
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 3: Good health and well-being
  • Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions

  • Western Europe and North America



Start date

March 2011

End date


Target beneficiary group(s)
  • Older persons

WSIS values promotion

WayFiS will allow seniors to overcome barriers and difficulties that often limit their possibility of feeling healthy-well and safe and that severely compromise their indoor and outdoor mobility. Some of the innovative features that WayFiS will provide to seniors are: Allowing to identify the optimal physical activity route Identifying routes that match with nutrition needs and disease's restrictions Avoiding inaccessible routes Finding necessary facilities along the route Routes optimized according to the user personal preferences and feelings about the route

Entity name

HI-Iberia Ingeniería y Proyectos SL

Entity country—type

Spain Private Sector

Entity website


AAL Programme, University of Geneva, ArxIT SA, CETIEX, Bay Zoltán Foundation For Applied Research, Institute for Applied Telecommunication Technologies, Teréz Anya Szociális Integrált Intézmény, Hévíz (HRS)