On 15th March, the WSIS Forum 2022 kicked off. Its first two weeks drew together over 1200 participants from academia, government, civil society, the technical community, and the private sector.
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WSIS Flash Newsletter
7 April 2022
WSIS Forum 2022

On 15th March, the WSIS Forum 2022 kicked off. Its first two weeks drew together over 1200 participants from academia, government, civil society, the technical community, and the private sector. The first week started with an official inauguration ceremony and the opening of the ICTs and youth special track. As part of a wide range of virtual workshops, stakeholders shared their innovative projects, initiatives, and best practices in implementing ICTs and the WSIS Action Lines in alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The sessions connected themes across ICTs and development, including innovations for environmental sustainability, ICTs and finance, and digital connectivity in disadvantaged communities. The forum’s second week continued with virtual workshops on supporting women in STEM & computing, digital entrapment, smart solutions for increased connectivity, and a discussion of the WSIS Forum 2022 Healthy Ageing Innovation Prize.

WSIS Forum 2022

Week 3 has now started with the opening of the ICTs for the environment stream and a range of sessions on current issues such as ICTs and climate change, the Covid-19 pandemic, and cross-sector digital transformations. We look forward to sessions on ICTs and the world of sport, digital inclusion for persons with disabilities and the opening of the ICTs for developing countries special track in Week 4 of the forum.

The WSIS Forum will continue until June 2022, with its final week taking place 30 May – 3 June 2022 in-person at Geneva.

Past and future sessions can be found on the forum’s website here.

WSIS Gender Trendsetters
WSIS Gender Trendsetters

The WSIS Process, through implementation of WSIS Action Lines and in alignment with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, actively promotes and advocates for digital gender inclusion. As part of the Gender Mainstreaming initiatives, WSIS Gender Trendsetters will act as trailblazers and work to strengthen gender equality through a range of initiatives and activities. Their work will contribute to the growth of the ICTs and Gender Mainstreaming efforts at the WSIS Forum and beyond.

Hackathon: ICTs for Indigenous Languages
ICTs for Preservation, Revitalization and Promotion of Indigenous Languages: Leaving no one behind, no one outside
WSIS Forum 2022 Hackathon

Registration to the WSIS Forum 2022 ICTs for Indigenous Languages hackathon, in partnership with UNESCO and other stakeholders is now open.

Register before 18 April, to be able to submit your ICT solutions that contribute to the intergenerational transmission, preservation, revitalization, and promotion of Indigenous languages. 3 winners, one per each challenge area will be awarded a USD 1,000 cash prize.

WSIS Forum 2022 Partnership
WSIS Forum 2022 Partners

WSIS stakeholders who would like to support WSIS Forum 2022 are invited to partner with us.

To learn more about our Partnership Opportunities:
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