Correspondence Group on the Elaboration of a Working Definition of the Term "ICT"


Plenipotentiary Resolution 140 (Rev. Guadalajara, 2010) requests the Council “to elaborate through the Sector study groups and submit a working definition of the term "ICT" to the Council and working groups of the Council, for possible transmission to the next plenipotentiary conference.

Council 2011 further instructed the Director of BDT “to conduct consultations with the chairmen of ITU-D study groups and TDAG for the creation of a group for elaboration of a working definition of the term ‘ICT’ open for the participation of other Sector membership, and the Directors of BR and TSB to conduct consultations with the chairmen of ITU-R and ITU-T study groups, RAG and TSAG regarding the participation of representatives of their Sector study groups in that activity and report to the Council session 2012.”

The 2012 meeting of TDAG invited “Study Group 1 to set up the Working Group by September 2012 and to submit the results of its work for consideration by ITU-D Study Groups 1 and 2 as well as TDAG in 2013. TDAG further invited the BDT Director to inform Council 2012 that such an activity has been initiated and report to Council 2014 on the outcomes on this work.”

The Group on the elaboration of a working definition of the term "ICT", which will communicate by correspondence, was established during the September 2012 meeting of ITU-D Study Group 1.

Composition of the Correspondence Group

  • The Correspondence Group on the elaboration of a working definition of the term “ICT” is open to all ITU Member States, and Sector Members, Associates, Academia of ITU-T, ITU-R and ITU-D.
  • The Correspondence Group is chaired by ITU-D Study Group 1 Chairman Ms. Roxanne McElvane (United States of America).
  • The Correspondence Group will use the e-mail list
  • The Correspondence Group interactions may include email exchange via the email list or through electronic meetings.
  • The Correspondence Group convener is ITU-D Study Group 1 Chairman Ms. Roxanne McElvane (United States of America) and the Correspondence Group co-convener is Chairman of TDAG, Dr. Vladimir Minkin (Russian Federation).

Terms of Reference for the Correspondence Group

  • Gather and analyze background information that can be used in elaborating a working definition of “ICT” including the existing L.1400 (02/2011) definitions (ICT Goods, ICT Networks, ICT Project, ICT Sector, and ICT Services).
  • Formulate proposed guidelines on a working definition of “ICT”
  • Submit the proposed guidelines to ITU-D Study Groups 1 and 2.
  • Report to the next TDAG meeting in 2013.

Reports of the Correspondence Group

Document No. Source Title

(29 July 2013)


Chairman, Correspondence Group on the Elaboration of a Working Definition of the Term “ICT”
Report of the Chairman on the work carried out by the Correspondence Group on the Elaboration of a Working Definition of the Term “ICT”



(18 October 2013)


Chairman, Correspondence Group on the Elaboration of a Working Definition of the Term “ICT”
Report of the meeting of the Correspondence Group (Geneva, Sunday, 8 September 2013)


(30 October 2013)


Chairman, Correspondence Group on the Elaboration of a Working Definition of the Term “ICT”
Final Report of the Chairman


Document presented to the 2014 Plenipotentiary Conference

Document No. Title

(27 August 2014)


Report on the work carried out by the correspondence group on the elaboration of a working definition of the term "ICT"


Reference Documents and Links to Useful Websites

Ref.# Title
1. Plenipotentiary Resolution 140 (Rev. Guadalajara, 2010) on “ITU's role in implementing the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society”
2. Excerpt from the Council 2011 summary related to the issue
3. Excerpt from the TDAG 2012 meeting report


Contributions from the Russian Federation in 2011 and 2012 on the issue can be found in the following documents:
5. Existing L.1400 (02/2011) Definitions ((ICT Goods, ICT Networks, ICT Project, ICT Sector, ICT Services
6. Radiocommunication Coordination Committee for Vocabulary (ITU-CCV)
7. Standardization Committee for Vocabulary (SCV)



  • The Correspondence Group was established during the September 2012 meeting of ITU-D Study Group 1. The Group will conclude its work in early 2013 to finalize and submit their report to the next ITU-D Study Group 1 and 2 meetings in September 2013 as well as to the next TDAG meeting in December 2013.
  • In order to report to Council in 2014 on the outcomes of this work to elaborate a working definition of the term ICT, the following timeline was agreed:
September/October 2012 Correspondence Group is established
  Consultation process is initiated with the membership.
The other Sectors are informed of the establishment of the Correspondence Group. A Liaison Statement from ITU-D Study Group 1 is sent to Chairmen of all ITU Study Groups, Chairmen of Radiocommunication Coordination Committee for Vocabulary (CCV) and Standardization Committee for Vocabulary (SCV), and Chairmen of TSAG, TDAG, RAG.
The liaison will seek input from the membership on the topic matter and nominations of experts to play an active role in the Correspondence Group. The liaison will ask the Chairmen to sign up for the e-mail reflector and announce to their members the creation of the Correspondence Group.
A dedicated website will be provided with background material on the issue. This website will include reference to all ITU documents on the topic and contributions received from members. An online form through which contributions can be submitted will also be provided.
An e-mail reflector list is established for those who have indicated an interest in the topic. In addition, a specific area in the ITU-D Study Groups e-Forum (an online discussion forum) is set up to facilitate discussions.
January/ February 2013 Initial input received from the membership is shared in a table on the dedicated website, organized by country in alphabetical order.
  All contributions received to date are also made available on the website.
  Liaison statement is prepared and sent to provide information on the work in progress.
for September 2013 Draft report providing the results of the work of the Group is prepared and finalized.
  The Final Report is shared on the website and submitted to ITU-D Study Groups 1 and 2, to the relevant Groups in the other Sectors, and to TDAG.
2014 Final Report is presented to Council in 2014 and to the Plenipotentiary Conference in 2014.  

Circular Letters, Contributions and Other Documents related to the Work of the Correspondence Group

Ref.# Title
Circular BDT/IP/CSTG/14 Invitation to participate in the work of the Correspondence Group on the Elaboration of a Working Definition of the Term "ICT"
Message on extension of deadline Extention of deadline for submitting contributions to the work of the Correspondence Group to 31 January 2013

Liaison Statement from ITU-D SG1
Liaison Statement from ITU-D Study Group 1 to the Chairmen of ITU-T and ITU-R Study Groups, Chairmen of TSAG, TDAG, RAG, Chairmen of the CCV and the SCV : Invitation to participate in and provide input to the work of the Correspondence Group on the Elaboration of a Working Definition of the Term "ICT"
Circular BDT/IP/CSTG/22 Convening of a meeting for the Correspondence Group on the Elaboration of a Working Definition of the Term "ICT" on 8 September 2013
Liaison Statement from ITU-D SG1
Liaison Statement from ITU-D Study Group 1 to the Chairmen of ITU-T and ITU-R Study Groups, Chairmen of TSAG, TDAG, RAG, Chairmen of the CCV and the SCV : Agreed Working Definition of the Term "ICT"

Received for Consideration by the Group (updated 31 October 2013)

Document No. Source Link to Documents for Download (Full list of contributions)
CG01/001 N/A Contribution withdrawn

United Kingdom

Contribution to the work of the Correspondence Group on a working definition for "ICT" from Department for Culture, Media and Sport (United Kingdom)


Contribution to the work of the Correspondence Group on a working definition for "ICT" from POTRAZ (Zimbabwe)

Belarus (Republic of)

Contribution to the work of the Correspondence Group on a working definition for "ICT" from Ministry of Communications and Informatization (Belarus)
CG01/005 (Rev.1)

Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications n.a. A.S. Popov(Ukraine)
Contribution to the work of the Correspondence Group on a working definition for "ICT" from Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications n.a. A.S. Popov (Ukraine)


Rwanda (Republic of)

Contribution to the work of the Correspondence Group on a working definition for "ICT" from Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Agency (RURA) (Rwanda)

Azerbaijan Technical University (Azerbaijan)
Contribution to the work of the Correspondence Group on a working definition for "ICT" from Azerbaijan Technical University (Azerbaijan)


Nepal Telecommunications Authority (Nepal)
Contribution to the work of the Correspondence Group on a working definition for "ICT" from Nepal Telecommunications Authority (Nepal)



Contribution to the work of the Correspondence Group on a working definition for "ICT" from Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (Japan)


Cape Verde

Contribution to the work of the Correspondence Group on a working definition for "ICT" from Agência Nacional das Comunicações (ANAC)(Cape Verde)



Contribution to the work of the Correspondence Group on a working definition for "ICT" from Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (ANATEL)(Brazil)


United States of America

Contribution to the work of the Correspondence Group on a working definition for "ICT" from the Department of State (United States of America)


Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic)

Contribution to the work of the Correspondence Group on a working definition for "ICT" from Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic)


Bulgaria, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania

Joint contribution to the work of the Correspondence Group on a working definition for "ICT" from Bulgaria, Lithuania, Portugal, and Romania.


Russian Federation

Contribution to the work of the Correspondence Group on a working definition for "ICT" from the Russian Federation.


Venezuela (República Bolivariana de)

Contribution to the work of the Correspondence Group on a working definition for "ICT" from Ministerio del Poder Popular para Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (MCTI), Venezuela (República Bolivariana de).


Tanzania (United Republic of)

Contribution to the work of the Correspondence Group on a working definition for "ICT" from Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority, United Republic of Tanzania.



Chairman, ITU-T Standardization Committee for Vocabulary (SCV)

Contribution to the work of the Correspondence Group on a working definition for "ICT" from the Chairman of the ITU-T Standardization Committee for Vocabulary (SCV).



ITU-T Study Group 16

Liaison statement from ITU-T SG16 to ITU-D SG1 - Invitation to participate in and provide input to the work of the Correspondence Group on the Elaboration of a working definition of the term “ICT”

CG01/020 (Rev.1)


ITU-T Study Group 5

Liaison statement from ITU-T SG5 to ITU-D SG1 - Liaison on definition of Information and Communication Technology, ICT



Contribution to the work of the Correspondence Group on a working definition for "ICT" from the Ministry of Economic Development, Italy



ITU-T Study Group 2

Liaison statement from ITU-T SG2 to ITU-D SG1 - ITU-T SG2 input to the work of the Correspondence Group on the Elaboration of a Working Definition of the Term “ICT”





Contribution to the work of the Correspondence Group on a working definition for "ICT" from the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA), Egypt




Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 2

Contribution to the work of the Correspondence Group on a working definition for "ICT" from the Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 2





Democratic Republic of the Congo

Contribution to the work of the Correspondence Group on a working definition for "ICT" from Ministère des Postes, Télécommunications et Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication, Democratic Republic of the Congo






Contribution to the work of the Correspondence Group on a working definition for "ICT" from Autorité Malienne de Régulation des Télécommunications/TIC et des Postes (AMRTP), Mali





ITU-T Study Group 11

Liaison statement from ITU-T SG11 to ITU-D SG1 - Correspondent group on the elaboration of working definition of ICT




Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications n.a. A.S. Popov(Ukraine)
Contribution to the work of the Correspondence Group on a working definition for "ICT" from Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications n.a. A.S. Popov (Ukraine)




The Egyptian Company for Mobile Services (Mobinil) (Egypt)

Contribution to the work of the Correspondence Group on a working definition for "ICT" from The Egyptian Company for Mobile Services (Mobinil) (Egypt).



Russian Federation

Contribution to the work of the Correspondence Group on a working definition for "ICT" from the Russian Federation.



Contribution to the work of the Correspondence Group on a working definition for "ICT" from Poland.




ITU-T Study Group 12

Liaison statement from ITU-T SG12 to ITU-D SG1 - Invitation to participate in and provide input to the work of the Correspondence Group on the Elaboration of a Working Definition of the Term “ICT” to ITU-D SG1





ITU-T Study Group 17

Liaison statement from ITU-T SG17 to ITU-D SG1 - LSOR on invitation to participate in and provide input to the work of the Correspondence Group on the Elaboration of a Working Definition of the Term “ICT”





ITU-T Study Group 3

Liaison statement from ITU-T SG3 to ITU-D SG1 - Invitation to participate in and provide input to the work of the Correspondence Group on the Elaboration of a Working Definition of the Term “ICT”






Chairman, Correspondence Group on the Elaboration of a Working Definition of the Term “ICT”
Report of the Chairman on the work carried out by the Correspondence Group on the Elaboration of a Working Definition of the Term “ICT”





Chairman, Correspondence Group on the Elaboration of a Working Definition of the Term “ICT”
Draft Agenda for the meeting of the Correspondence Group on the Elaboration of a Working Definition of the Term "ICT" (Geneva, Sunday, 8 September 2013, 10:00 - 13:00 hours)




United States of America
Contribution to the work of the Correspondence Group on a working definition for "ICT" from the Department of State (United States of America)
CG01/038 Canada Contribution to the work of the Correspondence Group on a working definition for "ICT" from Industry Canada (Canada)
CG01/039 BDT Final list of participants of the meeting of the Correspondence Group that took place in Geneva on 8 September 2013



Chairman, Correspondence Group on the Elaboration of a Working Definition of the Term “ICT”


Report of the meeting of the Correspondence Group (Geneva, Sunday, 8 September 2013)






Chairman, Correspondence Group on the Elaboration of a Working Definition of the Term “ICT”
Final Report of the Chairman





Correspondence Group on a working definition of the term “ICT” mailing list:

Sign up for the e-mail reflector ( here.

TIES account is required.


Submit input to the work of the Correspondence Group:

Submit your input using the form here.

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