Event Information Photos
Event Name
Costa Rica: Women in STEM Networks with Access and Safety
Date of the event
Costa Rica
Description of the event
The pandemic has given the industry a boost, as weak links in the supply chain were thrown into sharp relief.Organizations today are already eager to implement the concepts of the fully connected factory, Industry 4.0, and/or IIoT for benefits such as reduced operating costs and better visibility and control.The event opens the door to young women, who with great motivation for STEM disciplines, share the experience with other young women and thus all learn.This year 2022 began with great challenges in terms of artificial intelligence and the ethics that should be associated with it. In terms of computer access and security, the Girls in ICT Day event will allow them to recognize elements that can be applied to their daily lives and that will allow them to have strong criteria in their educational development and future professional goals.The main workshop is a scenario of stages of the use of computer vision in industrial monitoring issues, as well as security of spaces for all, especially women. #CostaRicaWomenInSTEMnetworks #WomenInScience #GirlsInScience #GenerationConnect #AmericasYouthGroup #GirlsTIC21CR #DigitalTransformation #TechGirls #STEM
Entity organizing the event, organizers
Descubre Robotica(Technomakro)