Event Information Photos
Event Name
Girls In ICT- Palestine
Date of the event
State of Palestine
Description of the event
Due to Covid 19 pandemic, Girls in ICT day – Palestine event made online by the organizer Ministry of Telecom & Information Technology (MTIT), this reached more than 300 girls, they learned from the amazing role models in Palestine, and had educative and amazing workshops.On the occasion of the internationally celebrated “Girls in ICT Day”, a day set by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) in order to encourage young girls to actively engage in studies in the ICT domain and enhance their knowledge about the sector, Girls in ICT day - Palestine MTIT organized a celebration with the participation of more than 300 girls from different schools from all over Palestine.A Virtual Zoom meeting started 12:00 p.m and lasted till 3:30 p.m with the participation of school girls and met virtually with professional lecturers in the field of artificial intelligence Palestinian and with Role models and entrepreneurs who spoke about their career paths and entrepreneurial initiatives in the ICT sector, they empowered girls and young women and encouraged them to see an exciting future for themselves in the information technology sector which is the fastest growing sector in the world.Activities of this event focused on the following areas:• Motivational messages and phrases for the participants through the participation of women in the field.• A workshop specialized in artificial intelligence, which include the following topics:- Introduction to AI.- Questions on AI and the Society.- AI & Future jobs.- Diving deeper with AI, for example Facebook AI experiments.- Employing AI in education.- Guest speakers: Inspiring personalities.- Why to be interested in this field “AI”.• Advanced training course (ATP): Development of smart device applications.The event was opened with an inspiring speech from Dr. Ishaq Sider- Palestinian Minister of Communication & Information Technology; he emphasized the importance of this event in empowering young Palestinian girls through technology and drew attention to role models and mentors and how they can inspire girls and young women to take up careers in the tech field.Mrs. Rania Jaber, Director General of the Technology Innovation Center concluded the event and its importance .She thanked all the participants, saying the Palestinian Ministry of Telecom & Information Technology and the Technology Innovation Center will always welcome any creative ideas or activities that will help to achieve a smart services development community and offering innovative solutions to serve the community.The event was then concluded by announcing the results for an online competition between the girls on photos were shared Completed with phrase Girls In ICT are.. An inspirational sentence about.
Entity organizing the event, organizers
Ministry of Education, Ministry of Women Affairs, Gaza sky Geeks, Palestinian Information System Association PITA, Palestinian Computers Society, Higher Council for Innovation & Excellence, PICTA, BCI.