Event Information Photos
Event Name
Open Conversation - Girls in ICT
Date of the event
Description of the event
The Argentina Chapter of Internet Society and the public policies observatory of the National University of Avellaneda will hold an open conversation to celebrate the 10th anniversary, which will address issues about the digital gender gap and the participation of girls in STEM careers, among other topics.On this same day, the ICT Policies module, recently incorporated into the observatory, will be launched. It proposes a space for meeting and study between the academia and the community, seeking to promote ideas address relevant ICT topics with a multidisciplinary, dynamic and current approach without losing the scientific rigor that is required for the generation of specialized knowledge in telecommunications and ICT.The module proposes a space for study and policy analysis made up entirely of women who work and are interested in the sector, but mainly, committed in bridging the digital gender gap.
Entity organizing the event, organizers
ISOC Argentina Chapter and National University of Avellaneda