Event Information Photos
Event Name
International Girls in ICT Day Panel and Discussion
Date of the event
United States
New York City
Description of the event
Thursday April 22nd, 10 a.m. ESTOne of the key features of the Public Conversation platform is a series of events that showcases the work of women and girls around the world advancing the issue areas of the Action Coalitions. The first event to kick of this series will be held on Girls in ICT Day (April 22, 2021). This international day is meant to inspire girls to consider careers and study in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Adolescent girls with job-specific skills related to STEM – such as engineering, computer programming, cloud technology, robotics, health sciences and technologies – are better equipped to actively participate in changing economies and evolving labor markets. On this day, we intend to take a closer look at the Action Coalition on Innovation and Technology while simultaneously highlighting women who are leading in these fields and identifying opportunities for girls to get involved in ICT.
Entity organizing the event, organizers
UN Women Generation Equality Forum Public Conversation Team