Event Information Photos
Event Name
ITU Girls in ICT Day Event
Date of the event
South Africa
Description of the event

ITU highlightsthat the lack of young women participating in ICT studies is reflected incompanies and government agencies around the world. The sector is currentlymale-dominated, especially at senior levels. Where women are present, it isoften in low-level, low-skilled jobs.

While girlsacross the world tend to outperform boys in reading and writing skills, theycontinue to be under-represented amongst top performers in Science TechnologyEngineering Arts and Mathematics (STEAM). Moreover, not enough young people arechoosing careers in ICT - especially not enough young women.

InternationalGirls in ICT Day, an initiative backed by all ITU Member States in ITUPlenipotentiary Resolution 70 (Rev. Busan, 2014), was initiated to create aglobal environment that empowers and encourages girls and young women toconsider careers in the growing field of ICTs, enabling both girls andtechnology companies to reap the benefits of greater female participation inthe ICT sector.

In essence, theITU Girls in ICT Day events make girls and young women aware of the vastpossibilities ICTs offer, quelling misconceptions about the sector and invitingthem to envision their future as ICT creators.

These goals arein alignment with the African Union Agenda 2063 Aspiration 1, which providesfor a prosperous Africa based on inclusive growth and sustainable development:to inter alia develop Africa’s human and social capital (through aneducation and skills revolution emphasizing science and technology …particularly for women and girls.

Supporting theeducation of women and girls in the ICTs is also in line with the UnitedNations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular SDG 5, which is toachieve gender equality and empower all women and girls through, among otherdomains, ICTs. Not only do jobs in the tech sector lift women out of poverty;but also, a more gender-balanced sector offers fulfilling mid- and high-levelcareers, and enables highly talented women to springboard to the top of thecareer ladder.

ITU provides that Girls and young women have the potential not only to becomeICT users, but also to become ICT creators. Therefore, supporting the globalGirls in ICT movement not only empowers girls and young women, however, it givesthem the confidence to pursue ICT studies and careers. At Orizur, we recognizeour responsibility to inspire future generations to become technology leadersand active participants of the digital world. It is for this reason we are joiningthe global movement to empower girls and young women through ICTs by organizingthis event and 'be the change'!

We have themed ourlocal event “Change begins with us”. Our aim to hosting this event is toencourage more girls and young women to actively pursue careers in STEAM tobridge the gender digital divide.

Programme Item


Time allocation

Opening remarks


14h00 PM SAST

Scene Setting

Cyber in Africa

14h25 PM

Panel Discussion – STEAM Role Models

Princess Senamile Masango – Nuclear Scientist – South Africa

Ms Agnès Antoinette Ntoumba - Biological Scientist – Cameroon

Ms Valentine Dushimiyimana - Health Scientist – Rwanda

Ms Ibukunoluwa Olajide - Graduate of Electrical and Electronics – Nigeria

Ms Zwothe Khorommbi - Process Control Engineer – South Africa

14h55 PM

Keynote address

Ms Mmamathe Makhekhe-Mokhuane

16h00 PM

Questions and Answers

Cyber in Africa

16h35 PM

Closing remarks

Orizur / Participants Rep

17h10 PM

Entity organizing the event, organizers
Orizur Consulting Enterprise Pty Ltd