Event Information Photos
Event Name
New Virtual World: A smart, secure and safe me -A project on digital inclusion for People with Disabilities (PwD)
Date of the event
Description of the event

To mark the International Girls in ICT day a project on Digital inclusion is organized.

 Scenario- The reliance on internet for information, services and opportunities has never been greater because of the restrictions imposed by COVID -19. As the world is working to bring equity in digital accessibility, persons with disabilities are at a greater disadvantage regarding digital inclusion.

It is important for us to appreciate that they, like others are greatly dependent on smart phones, collaboration tools like zoom, google meet, for e-commerce, to buy food, clothing, daily essentials, banking, learning, work from home (WFH), medical consultation etc . It is thus important to ensure they are safe in the online world. They are extremely vulnerable to malicious attacks, invasions of privacy, fraud, and other such unpleasant happenings. Thus a need for knowledge sharing about cybersecurity, what kinds of threats are out there, the best security measures, and what one can do personally to be more secure, when using the internet, is planned. 

This session recognizes the UN Disability Inclusion Strategy, with the core aim to ensure “no one is left behind” in our increasingly digital world. The audience will be Girls and Young women with Physical Disabilities -those on wheel chairs, and suffering from cerebral palsy.

 The NGO we collaborate with is">Maya Care Foundation  

Entity organizing the event, organizers
Oracle Volunteers as a part of Corporate Citizenship. The session will be conducted by Kamal Deep Peter - Sr. Program Manager, Corporate Citizenship, Zuha Kardar - Associate Applications Developer, Krishna Shah - Software Developer.