Event Information Photos
Event Name
TechGirls Camp 2021: Promoting ICT to Young Girls from Rural Schools in Kedah
Date of the event
Description of the event

Oneday event, approx. 4 hours (8.30am – 12.30pm)



  1. Introduction - Ministry of Communications and Multimedia Malaysia (KKMM) (15 min)
  2. Overview of ICT - ISOC Malaysia Chapter (30 min)
  3. Break (10 min)
  4. Careers in ICT (Delivered by women in ICT from the below stakeholder group)

·       Delivered by Google: 15 min

·       Delivered by Cybersecurity Malaysia: 15min 

·       Delivered by ISP (Digi, Google, Celcom):15 min

·       Delivered by UUM: 15 min

  1. Break (10 mins)
  2. Coding training & introduction to app development session - Microsoft (30 min talk, 30 min breakout rooms)
  3. Participant sharing session (15 min)
  4. Closing - Publication, share toolkit, invitation to create video (15 min)

  • To introduce, disseminate and enhance knowledge on Information and Communication Technology.
  • To empower young girls from rural schools across Kedah to be actively involved in ICT discourses.
  • To guide and inspire young girls to take up STEM based education early in life and consider ICT as a future career option.
  • To provide information on various opportunities in ICT that young girls can explore to improve their livelihood.
  • To create young ICT female leaders through continuous engagement at the school level.
  • To provide a collaborative platform for young girls to build a network of young girls passionate in ICT

Types of Activity:

  • Talks and Presentations
  • Training and Capacity building
  • Discussions
  • Competitions
  • Collaborative online activity (create video together, publish stories)
  • Share toolkit for students to take away from event


  • ·      Zoom provided by Internet Society
  • ·      SMK Megat Dewa Computer lab (20 students) 

Entity organizing the event, organizers
• Ministry of Communications and Multimedia Malaysia• Ministry of Education• Kubang Pasu Education Office• Internet Society Malaysia Chapter • Internet Society • UUM InterNetWorks Research Lab• Cybersecurity Malaysia• SMK Megat Dewa• SMK Seri Ampang• SMK Dato’ Syed Abu Bakar• SMK Sanglang• Google• Microsoft• ISPs