Event Information Photos
Event Name
GIRLS IN ICT DAY 2021Association of Business Women in Serbia
Date of the event
Description of the event

This year, the Association of Business Women in Serbia will celebrate Girls in ICT Day for the 11th time.  As an association that supports women’s entrepreneurship, ABW Serbia will organize three main activities, in order to encourage and motivate schoolgirls in the final grades of primary schools to choose their career options by avoiding gender stereotypes.

We expect that more than 400 schoolgirls will participate in these activities, which will be organized virtually, due to the pandemic. So far, more than 80 primary schools in Serbia have preliminarily announced participation of their girl students. 

This year again, the ABW Serbia Girls in ICT Day project is institutionally supported by the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Prime Minister, who is the Honorary Patron of the event, as well as by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Youth and Sport, Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, UN Women Agency, German Agency for International Cooperation GIZ, European SME Week and ITU.   

The Association of Business Women in Serbia (ABW Serbia) will organize the following online activities like the last year because of the Covid-19 crisis:

1.   Competition for the best video "Catch the Idea" made by schoolgirls, which will be open from March 18 to April 12. All videos will be published on our You Tube channel Dan devojcica (Girls’ Day), and the best three will be selected by the jury members, representatives of the ministries, organizations and ABW Serbia  and awardedThe winners will be officially announced on ABW Serbia's web site and in the short film about this year's eventBelow is a link to last year’s best videos that made it to the finals

2. As in previous years, online visits of schoolgirls will be organized to the most eminent companies in Serbia, ICT and women-owned. Visits will be held  during the week of celebrating Girls in ICT Day (April 19 - 22, 2021), via meeting and video conferencing tools such as Zoom, MS Teams and Go to Meeting. Women who are successful managers in ICT sector, as well as in other “male” sectors and industries and women entrepreneurs, owners of companies in Serbia, will meet and host schoolgirls, introducing them with their businesses and professional careers, as true role models. Some of them will organize a virtual tour of their company, workshops or quiz.

3. Instead of live final event, immediately after the Girls in ICT Day a promotional short film about this year’s activities will be created and published. We also made one such film last year, which was broadcast on the main national TV station and is permanently kept in their TV archive as a testimony to life during the pandemic. Below is a link to last year’s film.

Entity organizing the event, organizers
Association of Business Women in Serbia