Event Information Photos
Event Name
Girls in ICT Awareness and Interaction Program under the theme “Inspiring ICT/Internet Digital Economy for Development Exposure for Girls and Young Women in Liberia
Date of the event
Description of the event

Hundreds girlsfrom several schools  will spend aworking day at the ICT, Internet and digital sections of  various companies inand around Monrovia to learn and see the practical use of ICT, Internet anddigital industries in use. The second day, 22 April will begin with aninteractive conference and ICT career fair both face to face and virtuallyunder theme.

 A further 100 girls and young women fromselected high schools and colleges visit a selected Technology University  to learn about ICT careers. Several eminent personalitieswill participate in an interactive conference held with keynote speaker,preferable a Liberian female in the digital or

During theevent, women leaders and engineers in the ICT and telecommunication industriesin Liberia will share their experiences and explain what impact they are makingon Liberian society and why they chose such a path.

This eventin Liberia marked the continuation of sustained campaign since the hosting ofthe first event in 2012 by ISOC Liberia Chapter to empower and educate girlsand young women in the area of ICT.

The Girlsin ICT mentorship program will be launched and will centre around high school,university and newly working young women. Our goal is to create a space forwhere mentees can tap into the knowledge, skills, and experience Liberian womenin STEM and acquire these skills to advance pursuit of STEM careers.

Theselected girls will visit schools, organize events, in collaboration withpartners and conduct one-on-one mentorship, for a diverse group ofstudents/women including but not limited to business leaders, softwareengineers, engineers and policy makers.

Entity organizing the event, organizers
he Internet Society of Liberia is a chapter of the Internet Society, a global cause-driven organization that is dedicated to ensuring that the Internet stays open, transparent and defined by you its users across the world.