Event Information Photos
Event Name
Digital Marketing - Girls in ICT 2020
Date of the event
Saint Lucia
Gros Islet
Description of the event

International Girlsin ICT Day is an initiative backed by all ITU Member States. It aims to createa global environment that empowers and encourages girls and young women toconsider careers in the growing field of Information and CommunicationTechnologies (ICTs). International Girls in ICT Day is celebrated on the 4thThursday in April every year it will be next observed on the 23rdApril 2020.

This year the NTRC/USFO will like to host a one-day Digital Marketingwebinar targeting girls and young women involved in the small business industryin St. Lucia. Digital marketing is no doubt the marketing route any businessneeds in order to survive in today’s business climate. The key is to establishvisibility and adequate digital presence. The NTRC/USFO found this to be anopportune time to engage our young women.

Target age – 18 to 35 years old

TargetGroup- Women in smallbusiness throughout St. Lucia


Entity organizing the event, organizers
National Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (NTRC) St.Lucia