KDDI Corporation offers free of charge e-books unlimited plans for those who stay at home due to school shut down and working from home - 08/04/2020
KDDI Corporation
TELECOM/ICT Operators and Service Providers | Asia & Pacific | Japan
Considering the outbreak of the COVID-19, from March 9 to April 30, 2020, KDDI Corporation offers a free of charge e-books unlimited plans for those who stay at home due to school shut down and working from home. Customers who have newly joined these plans during the period of use of this measure will be automatically unsubscribed on April 30, 2020 after the termination of this offer, so they can use it without any concerns. We hope customers enjoy time at home and this will help reduce any anxiety. KDDI Corporation continues to provide learning opportunities as a company that promotes the “integration of telecommunications and life design” and continues to contribute to “sustainable growth of society”.