Resolution N° 019-2021-CD/OSIPTEL, promotes user empowerment through digitalization - 11/02/2021
TELECOM/ICT Policy Makers and Regulators | The Americas | Peru
Objective: mandates that telecom operators must put in place a web app and mobile app that provides personalized information and allows main transactions to be carried out. Details: • Although main operators have already put in place a mobile app, this is voluntary and each operator decides what information and which transactions to include in it. This Regulation establishes that every telecom o (...)

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OSIPTEL provides recommendations for a responsible use of the Internet during social immobilization - 04/02/2021
Organismo Supervisor de Inversión Privada en Telecomunicaciones (OSIPTEL)
TELECOM/ICT Policy Makers and Regulators | The Americas | Peru
Given the new measures given by the Government for the COVID-19 pandemic in our country, more citizens remain at home in compliance with the mandatory social immobilization, which is why OSIPTEL recommends the solidary and responsible use that users should make of public telecommunications services. Priority should be given to the use of the service, during working hours, for teleworking, teleheal (...)

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Measures undertaken in order to provide relevant information in a friendly and simplified way on-line - 19/10/2020
TELECOM/ICT Policy Makers and Regulators | The Americas | Peru
Objective: Mandates that for new services acquired, firms must provide uses with “short contracts”, that summarize the main characteristics of the services involved. Detailed measures instated: These “short contracts” must summarize the main features and characteristics of the service acquired. It will have attached a booklet designed by OSIPTEL with the users’ main rights. The template must be (...)

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The post-Covid scenario forces countries to adjust regulatory strategies towards a widespread adoption of digital transformation to boost the economy, said Rafael Muente Schwarz, President (OSIPTEL) - 03/09/2020
Organismo Supervisor de Inversión Privada en Telecomunicaciones (OSIPTEL)
TELECOM/ICT Policy Makers and Regulators | The Americas | Peru
In the session "Institutional Regulatory Framework for Digital Transformation" (ITU GSR20), the head of OSIPTEL indicated that the development of the internet service is one of the pillars in this process, for which policies should be intensified that allow mass, promote and cover those areas with low infrastructure development. “Strengthening mobile networks with the allocation of more radioelec (...)

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Avoid customer damage during emergency due to eventual service shut-off, ensure service continuity, avoid network saturation, prevent contagion by face to face interactions - 20/06/2020
TELECOM/ICT Policy Makers and Regulators | The Americas | Peru
• Forbids telecommunication services shut-off during emergency due to lack of payment. • Telecom operators must perform traffic management in order to prioritize the functioning of applications oriented for remote working, tele-education and tele-medicine services, in hours between 08:00 to 18:00, from Monday to Friday, respecting what is established in the Net Neutrality Rulings. • Mandates ope (...)

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Dispositions to guarantee continuity competition and sustainable development of public telecommunication services during national emergency - 30/04/2020
TELECOM/ICT Policy Makers and Regulators | The Americas | Peru
Allow contracting of new services and number portability through a mechanism that guarantees correct validation of the contractor identity and respects health protocols.
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