Ms Kelly O'Keefe

Chief, Multilateral & Regional Affairs Branch International Bureau, Global Strategies and Negotiation Division
Federal Communications Commission
United States
Kelly O’Keefe is Chief of the Multilateral and Regional Affairs Branch of the International Bureau of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) which helps lead the FCC’s bilateral engagement with foreign officials and its global participation in international and regional organizations and multilateral conferences. She has extensive experience participating in international fora including International Telecommunication Union (ITU), International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and International Maritime Organization (IMO) and in various regional inter-governmental organizations. Prior to joining the FCC, she served as Director of International Public Policy at Access Partnership, an international regulatory and policy consultancy, and as a program coordinator with the U.S. Telecommunications Training Institute (USTTI). Kelly holds a Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service degree from Georgetown University.