Mr Kartik Kulkarni

Chair, Global Humanitarian Technology Activities
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Kartik Kulkarni is the Chairman of the IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Activities, the strategic arm of the BoD that manages IEEE’s portfolio of programs and multi-million dollar investments that leverage 450K+ engineers in 190+ countries in applying and advancing technology solutions for sustainable development. Kartik is a lead designer of the Oracle Database-Native Blockchain Transactions initiative that embeds the core Blockchain technology within the relational database so that the decades-long evolution of the databases can be leveraged for enabling a rich Blockchain platform in terms of manageability, analytics, and scalability. This is a innovative approach that focuses on supporting blockchain solutions in the e-governance and enterprise sectors. He is an inventor on 10+ US Patents (both pending and granted). Kartik is currently architecting The Impact Network, the collaborative data platform for social impact analysis of projects that connects the impact investors and the impact creators via a project-risk maturity pipeline. It measures the social impact using SocialROI framework and standardizes the impact reporting, aligning with the United Nations SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), aggregating and visualizing the impact metrics across the thematic areas and geographies. This initiative is currently in the stealth-development mode, and its founding partners include Asia Foundation, People-Centered Internet, Cisco, and a few others. Kartik did his Masters from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in Electrical and Computer Engineering, and he is an alumnus of the prestigious Parallel Data Lab.