Mr Bevil Wooding

Caribbean Outreach Liaison
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)
Mr. Bevil Wooding is the Caribbean Outreach Liaison for the non-profit American Registry for Internet Numbers, ARIN. He works closely with ARIN’s community in the Caribbean and is responsible for strengthening and managing ARIN’s relationship with the region’s technical community, regulators and governments. Mr. Wooding serves in as a special advisor to several Caribbean governments and regional institutions, including the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU) and Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) on technology innovation, education, regulatory strategy and policy, cybersecurity and the digital economy. He also supports development of critical Internet Infrastructure in the Caribbean and has successfully championed and facilitated the establishment of Internet exchange points (IXPs) throughout the region. He is a leading advocate for the application of technology for social empowerment and economic development in emerging markets and is the co-founder and current executive chair of the Caribbean Network Operators Group (CaribNOG) and co-chair of the Caribbean Peering and Interconnection Forum (CarPIF); both volunteer communities dedicated to expanding local capacity and fostering indigenous solutions for Internet development.