Mr Alex Pompe

Research Manager, Data for Good Team
Alex Pompe is a Research Manager on Facebook's Data for Good team. This team is responsible for using Facebook's data to help humanitarian organizations fill crucial information gaps during natural disasters and public health emergencies while preserving privacy. They are most well-known for producing Facebook's Disaster Maps product. Previously, Alex led Growth and Operations at a start-up called Premise Data scaling their mobile app across 35 countries over 3 years. Prior to this, he worked for 6 years at IREX, first in Ukraine as Chief Information Officer of a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funded library development program, then in Namibia leading an education technology project funded by the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and then finished as a Senior Technical Advisor at IREX in Washington DC managing business development for the technology division. He served as an IT and education volunteer with the Peace Corps in Namibia from 2006 to 2008. Alex holds a BS in physics from the University of Illinois, and an MS from the University of Michigan.